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↑ how i visualized hansoo (jun from a

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↑ how i visualized hansoo (jun from a.c.e) and byulyi (moonbyul from mamamoo) bc i love them so much ↑

grow up - stray kids

❝i'll run with you, don't worry, get up and roll up your sleeves, don't give up.❞

ミ★ 8 years later, hansoo & byulyi

hansoo was nervous, he's never been this nervous in his 16 years of existence.

"hey little bug, you're gonna be late." yeosang pokes his head inside his room as he got ready for school 

"papa, i'm literally taller than you." hansoo says with a smile as he runs his fingers through his dark hair, fluffing it up even more 

"by 2 centimeters," yeosang points out, holding up 2 fingers to remind him before his eyes fell upon a bouquet of paper roses hansoo had made 

"oh, is that for byulyi?" he asks and hansoo nods his head, he could've easily gotten a floral bouquet but he didn't like the way that they don't last long, so he made it with some construction paper and he even stuck in some lollipops, sour gummy worms, and cookies and cream chocolate 

"it's pretty bubs, she'll love it." his father says before telling him one more time to hurry up because he's going to be late.

it had been far long overdue but hansoo knows upon himself that he's liked byulyi for so long, even though they've grown up to be friends, hansoo wants more but he was far too scared of his san hyung to pursue her during the years prior, he was more scared of her uncle rather than her own parents.

hansoo knows her like the back of his hand, he knows all of her likes and dislikes, what her dreams are, he'd do everything for her, be there for her.

she would always tease him that, much like his dad, he's the campus prince, due to his good looks and kind-hearted nature, with all the girls and boys leaving gifts and letters for him in his locker, even teasing him that he should try being an idol but he always declined as he wanted to be like his appa, working behind the camera was his passion.

he carefully picks up the bouquet that was on his bed as well as his backpack before turning to face the mirror again 

"you can do it hannie, today is the day, okay?" he psyches himself up before running downstairs, almost bumping into his appa as his legs felt jittery 

"careful hannie, what's gotten you all worked up?" seonghwa chuckles when he felt that he was shaking 

"i'm- confessing today." seonghwa nods, putting an arm over his shoulder as he leads him to their dining area where his papa was eating breakfast as well, even hwan was on one of the seats because yeosang was giving him little pieces of meat 

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