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easy - wheein ft. sik-k

my love for you is reliable, even if i'm mischievous and a troublemaker.

yeosang leans back into the grass as he soaks in the sunlight, hansoo was playing with byulyi in the playground just a few feet from their spot

yeosang needed the fresh air to clear his mind about what had happened with taehyung.

"so, mingi is here," san tells him, yeosang just hums in response, it was no question that yeosang was upset with the redhead, he knows mingi meant well but it was yeosang's business

"yeo, you know he was just looking out for you." san tries to soften his friend but yeosang doesn't respond

"just try to hear him out, yeah? i don't like seeing you both being sulky." 

san ruffles yeosang's hair before standing up, he wanted his friends to be able to talk without any distractions so he's going to take the kids to get some baked goods.

"sangie?" he hears mingi's deep voice and he opens his eyes to see the redhead towering over him

"yeosangie hyung, i'm sorry for what i did." mingi sits down next to him, bringing his legs up to his chest 

"it's just that, i want you to be happy too, i wanted to see you with someone you love and loves you back." he tries, slowly leaning on to yeosang and the indication of the older not pushing him away is a sign that it's okay to do so 

"it's just that, you gave him the idea that i may like seonghwa and it caught me off guard." yeosang finally spoke out and mingi almost hops

"yeo yeo is talking to me!" he screams in delight, yeosang just rolls his eyes but nonetheless he can't help but smile 

"i mean, being with taehyung was okay but i just have a lot in mind, hansoo and seonghwa, just the general idea of raising a child." he further explains as he looks at mingi who was listening to him intently 

"i mean, i understand your concern for hansoo, but with seonghwa?" mingi questions, he tried to change his tone so that the older wouldn't interpret it in the wrong way

"what about him?" mingi straightens himself before patting yeosang's knee 

"don't you think that your dependency on each other is a bit overdone?" yeosang knew this was going to be a question and yes, he's thought of it but he doesn't see it as something negative.

sure, he's done so much for seonghwa in the past 8 years but this time, seonghwa was meeting him halfway.

almost as if he is making up for all the years that yeosang took care of him and that made him happy, seonghwa makes him happy, hansoo makes him happy, more than his past dates ever did.

it's just that they were so familiar with each other, they know each other's likes and dislikes, they've uphold their roles in their household.

everything was just so domestic between them and both of them know that they won't have that with anyone else.

hence why seonghwa refrained from ever being serious in relationships and also the reason why, perhaps yeosang doesn't click with anyone and he regrets all the tears he shed over those people as well as regretting for making his friends believe that seonghwa is to blame.

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