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trivia: love - bts 

❝i found out because of you, why a person must love as they live.❞

"baby love, you ready to go?" seonghwa says as he walks inside yeosang's room, the younger smiled at him through the reflection of the mirror

"in a bit, i don't know why i'm nervous." yeosang admits as he runs his fingers through his hair 

"maybe because our friends will know about us." seonghwa plants his hand on his shoulders

"perhaps, still can't believe your petty ass invited felix." yeosang holds in a laugh as he softly dabs some peachy pink tint into his lips 

"he needs to know that only i get to kiss those beautiful lips of yours." yeosang rolls his eyes as he stands up 

"he had plans to meet with his other friends and you deprived me of kissing privileges for nothing," yeosang wraps his arms around seonghwa's neck 

"and later, you will get an unlimited amount." seonghwa assured him, poking his nose before hugging him

"i don't ever want to lose you, baby love." yeosang relaxes in his hold as he assures that he won't. 

after that kissing incident with felix, the aussie had apologized endlessly

explaining that he just needed to know if kissing yeosang was still the same as it was, he needed to sort out his feelings and yeosang promised that he will still be his friend. 

when yeosang came back up to their room, seonghwa had his arms crossed like a child throwing a tantrum, whining about what he saw and depriving yeosang of kisses before he marched inside his room

leaving yeosang to clean up their mess but seonghwa ended up crawling into yeosang's bed after his little tantrum, unable to sleep because he got used to sleeping in the same bed with his soon-to-be boyfriend.

after picking hansoo up from seonghwa's family home, they were on their way to the gallery, they know their friends were there.

out of his team members, it was only jungkook who knew about seonghwa's project

neither wooyoung, yunho, nor jongho knew and they were his friends and he just can't wait to see their reactions, especially yeosang's reaction.

when they got there, seonghwa hides his face in his hand as his friends, co-workers, and people who were invited had applaud for him

yeosang felt his heart swell at how proud he was of seonghwa getting the attention he deserved.

while seonghwa was coordinating with jungkook, yeosang was whisked away by san while hansoo gravitated toward byulyi and they scampered off to the snack bar.

"you excited?" san asks him, giving him a glass of champagne

"of course i am, it's quite an important night, for both of us." yeosang smiles at the thought of how it'll be a night to remember 

"i heard your ex is back in town," he elbows him as yeosang drank the refreshing drink

"yes, he is, felix is back." he confirms, san raises a brow "well, aren't you gonna get back together?" yeosang bit the inside of his cheek.

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