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autumn morning - iu 

❝the dazzling sunshine shone through the window, don't you want to breathe in the cool chilly air?❞

yeosang smiles when he parks his car in the school's parking lot, he was happy to be back into teaching after their summer break, he collects his belongings as well as a container full of brownies that he baked the night before to give to the kids and he walks toward the colorful building, children were gathered into groups as they exchanged stories about their summer break, some were being dropped off my their parents, some were coming in through the buses 

"good morning mr. kang!" he looks down at one of his previous students "oh, good morning serim, ready for the new school year?" yeosang ruffles his hair as they walk inside the building, it was a little crowded since everyone was scuffling to their classrooms 

"yeah, i'm bummed you're not gonna be my art teacher anymore though." the student expressed "you'll still see me in the halls though, so don't worry, okay? now, go on, look for your classroom and have a good day, okay?" serim nods, scurrying off to the second floor where the 3rd graders are.

the young teacher made his way into the faculty room where he sees his colleagues "good morning!" he greets them happily as he puts his things down on his desk "good morning yeosang, you're looking good." ryujin compliments as she sits down on his desk 

"are you finally going to ask out taehyung-ssi." she wiggles her eyebrows and yeosang gulps, kim taehyung was a 5th grade art teacher in their school who yeosang was an assistant for during his internship and one can say that he has a little crush on him 

"no! i just wanted to look cute today." he defends himself but the blush on his cheeks were evident enough that she struck something in him "you should give it a try, it won't hurt," she encourages, eyeing the brownies that he placed on the side of his desk 

"plus, who would dare say no to you." she winks before getting off and opening the container but yeosang quickly slaps her grabby hands "not for you, they are for the kids." he takes them away and made his way to the classroom so he can meet the class he's going to be handling.

he peeks at the class and he can see the rambunctious children running around his classroom and boy was he glad to see them 

"hi kids!" he pokes his head inside the room causing them to freeze for a moment before running to their seats, it made yeosang chuckle "don't be too scared of me, i'm a nice teacher." he says before turning to the whiteboard and writing his name 

"my name is kang yeosang," he pauses, taking a good look at the eager students "but the boys can call me hyung and the girls can call me oppa, i'm going to be like your big brother, okay?" the children's faces were painted with smiles 

"now, i'm going to do roll call for the boys, so please raise your hand so hyung will know you, okay?" they nod and he takes hold of his class record, there weren't a lot of students, it was a private school and it ends up with the students being only a handful in terms of quantity so that they will be given the proper amount of attention and less distractions "okay, i'll start now."

he took the time to remember his students, through their distinctive features, he was happy to see them all wide-eyed and eager for their names to be called, which to yeosang, signified that they are starting to get comfortable with him

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