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❝so perhaps, would it be okay if i came closer.❞

everything was back to normal for the roommates, apart from the fact that they've kissed once or twice, maybe a bunch of times and not just on the lips.

they've made a promise to each other that neither of them would tell their friends just to fuck with them even more and make them figure it out themselves as a payback for being annoying.

yet another day of school ended, yeosang had gotten a call from seonghwa that he might not be able to pick them up as he got held up in a meeting but yeosang told him it was okay, so there he was standing just outside of hansoo's classroom, waiting for the bell to ring so they can head home immediately.

"hey lover boy," yeosang turns to see taehyung just coming down from the stairs "hey hyung, going home already?" the older nods, approaching him "i got a new puppy, hence why i just want to get home immediately." yeosang coos when taehyung shows him the photo of his pomeranian 

"how about you, seonghwa picking you up?" yeosang scrunches his face and shook his head, explaining that he is at a meeting "would you like to come over and meet yeontan, i'm sure hansoo would love him." taehyung offers, yeosang chuckles 

"i'd love to but if hansoo ends up wanting a puppy, you're to blame." taehyung took full responsibility and the bell rings "oh here he comes." yeosang smiles and waited for hansoo to run out of the door 

"hyungie!" he was struggling to run in his backpack and yeosang found it cute as he bends down to hug him "how was your day little bug?" he asks, peppering his cheeks with kisses "was okay hyungie, appa here?" he asks and yeosang shakes his head 

"but we're going to your tae tae hyung's house, he has a new friend that i'm sure you will like." he pokes his nose before standing up and holding his hand.

it was yeosang's first time in taehyung's house, it was how he expected it, minimalistic yet filled with different pieces of art 

"yeontan!" taehyung hollers as he takes off his coat and shoes by the door and the soft pitter of paws echoed and then came a little fluff ball of a dog

yeosang saw the excitement in hansoo's eyes when he see him and like the brave little boy that he is, he squats down on to the floor to pet the pomeranian, letting yeontan sniff his scent as if to see if he is a danger to him.

they sat outside in the backyard porch, yeosang and taehyung having some tea as they watched the hyperactive puppy and child playing "he's going to be knocked out at the end of this." yeosang says before sipping the hot liquid 

"isn't that a good thing?" taehyung jokes before pouring himself another cupful of the relaxing jasmine tea "he's not really a difficult one to deal with but i could use some relaxation at night." yeosang expresses 

"so, how have you been?" the older starts, looking right at him "i've been good, i'm glad we still stayed friends, it'd be a shame if there was any awkwardness between us." taehyung agrees, munching on a biscuit 

"i'm glad you made amends with mingi, he was so sulky when you were upset with him," taehyung adds that the music teacher would even relay his problems to the students, forgetting that he had to teach much to the students' amusement 

"but i know he just wanted to see you happy, he didn't mean anything malicious." yeosang nods in agreement before tending to hansoo who had run towards him 

"hyung, can you tell appa something when we get home?" he asks innocently "of course baby, what is it?" he lifts him up so he can sit down on his lap, grabbing a biscuit for him 

"can hyung tell appa that hannie wants a puppy?" yeosang deflates, turning to taehyung who was holding in a laugh "this is your fault." he deadpans and taehyung coos, taking out a handkerchief, reaching forward to wipe the crumbs off yeosang's lips and hansoo immediately swats his hand away 

"park hansoo!" yeosang scolds, taking the boy's hand in his "i told tae tae hyung that no touching!" hansoo pouts, crossing his arms and yeosang was mortified 

"w-when?" he questions taehyung, cheeks going red in embarrassment for the child's behavior 

"hm, perhaps around a month ago, that time we went to see tangled." yeosang profusely apologizes but taehyung just waves it off "it's honestly so cute, how he's so protective over you." 


"but i want cuddles with hyung and appa." hansoo pouts as yeosang tucks him into bed "well, you weren't a good boy today so no cuddles with appa and hyung." seonghwa says, giving him his stuffed bunny 

"hannie is sorry." he was giving them the puppy dog eyes and although yeosang was ready to crumble and cuddle him, he had to hold himself back 

"i'm sorry baby but being bad has its consequences, okay? i love you." seonghwa kisses his forehead before plugging in the night light that yeosang bought "okay." hansoo's voice was small and yeosang gives his cheek a kiss 

"if you apologize to your tae tae hyung tomorrow, we can cuddle again, i love you." he promised before he walks out of his bedroom to sleep in seonghwa's room.

once they were settled in bed, yeosang can't help but feel guilty for punishing hansoo but seonghwa assures him that it's okay and that if they don't do it, hansoo might think that he can get away with everything.

"why the long face baby love?" seonghwa asks, laying his head on yeosang's tummy "i feel bad for taking his cuddle priviliges away." yeosang replies, seonghwa just sighs 

pushing up the shirt the younger was wearing, giving his soft stomach butterfly kisses to somehow soothe him

"he needs to learn, baby love, plus, we get some alone time." with one final kiss, he gets up, hovering over him and pecking his lips 

"oh he wanted me to ask you something." yeosang remembers and seonghwa plops down on top of him "our baby wants a puppy." seonghwa lifts his head up 

"a what now?" he raises a brow and yeosang shrugs "he met taehyung's new puppy and he wanted one too." the older sighs 

"he's far too young to get one, how about we get him a fish instead?" yeosang hums as he rubs seonghwa's back 

"maybe we can make a deal, if he manages to take care of the fish until his birthday, we'll get him a puppy for his birthday." the younger suggests and seonghwa rolls off him 

"you're so smart, baby love." he praises before turning off the bedside lamp and pulling yeosang close to him 

"we been knew." yeosang says cockily before earning a kiss on the lips so he'd shut up "oh, can you maybe ask mingi and hongjoong to look after him this friday night? i do not trust jongho and yunho to look after hansoo." asks the older and yeosang shuffles under the sheet, trying to get comfortable "i guess i can, why?" 

"well, i promised to take you out on 8 dates before we become boyfriend and boyfriend, didn't i?" yeosang squeals as he slaps seonghwa's shoulder, 8 dates, one for every year that they have been friends 

"we're supposed to sleep but you just made me excited!" he whines, kicking his feet underneath the covers and trying to hide his face 

"but wait! what are we gonna tell them? we can't tell them we're gonna go on a date!" the younger was in a dilemma while seonghwa was just ready to sleep "i'll think of something."   

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