◀twenty one▶

930 63 14

scenery - taehyung

❝if you leave your footprints, i'll keep you warm.❞

as seonghwa's eyes flutter open, he was met with yeosang's peaceful face, he smiles to himself at the realization that yeosang is his, he gives the younger's nose a kiss before getting up and pulling the covers over his sleeping body before exiting the bedroom.

he opens the curtains to let the gentle rays of sunlight in, to give their apartment natural light as well as give their houseplants their much needed light as well as watering them.

after those errands, he stalks over to hansoo's bedroom and he was surprised to see him already awake, sitting on the floor, reading a story book that byulyi lent him 

"good morning baby, why are you up so early?" he asks, sitting next to him and hansoo crawls over to his lap 

"appa, can i ask you something?" seonghwa nods making hansoo smile 

"c-can hannie have a pet, please?" he asks, his eyes turning into crescents as he smiled from ear to ear, seonghwa chuckles before holding him tightly and standing up 

"why does hannie want a pet?" seonghwa quizzes as they exit the room "just cause," hansoo answers and seonghwa sat him down on the kitchen counter 

"what would hannie like?" seonghwa already knew that hansoo wants a dog but it wasn't really allowed in their apartment, along with cats "puppy please, want puppy." hansoo replies with enthusiasm but seonghwa just sighs 

"baby, we can't get a puppy, it's not allowed here." he explains, hoping that hansoo understands "b-but san hyung was cat in his place," he crosses his arms while seonghwa puts on an apron, wanting to surprise his boyfriend with breakfast in bed 

"they live in a different place hannie, how about appa gets you a little fishy?" hansoo shakes his head, eyes welling up with tears but seonghwa needed to be strong and not give in 

"appa, please?" he presses his hands together, as if praying can help the situation 

"baby, even if i want to get you a puppy, we can't, okay?" he pinches his cheek as hansoo's pout progressed 

"now, help me with breakfast so we can surprise your hyung." with a defeated look, hansoo nods and began to pick out the stems of the strawberries his dad put next to him.

while seonghwa arranged their food on a tray, hansoo decided to speak up again after quite some time 

"appa, can i call hyung my other appa too?" it took seonghwa aback but he needed to answer "well, would you like him to be your other appa?" he asks, putting him down on the ground, hansoo nods 

"well, technically he is your other appa so let's just ask him, okay?" 

"baby love, time to wake up." seonghwa announces as he enters the room again, yeosang stirs a bit, covering himself with the comforter 

"papa, wakey!" hansoo climbs up on the bed and shakes yeosang's covered body, an inaudible noise came from yeosang while hansoo kept shaking him awake 

"babe, wake up, i made breakfast." seonghwa puts the tray of food on the desk before pulling the covers off yeosang "i don't wanna get up." yeosang whines with his eyes still closed "but papa, i helped." hansoo says, kissing yeosang's cheek 

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