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i miss you - mxmtoon 

❝i just can't seem to say goodbye 'cause i miss you.❞

it was just another day of work for yeosang but with the feeling of giddiness bubbling inside of him as it was another day closer until seonghwa's exhibit and their 8th date.

the date that would seal their fate and it would be the day they'll tell their friends, it always made yeosang laugh whenever seonghwa brings up the whole blackmailing thing about yunho and wooyoung but it'd be more funny when they see their friends' reactions.

they've been so careful when they pick their date locations, not wanting to be seen by anyone just yet because they want it to be a surprise.

their second date was at the aquarium, where something happened that made yeosang laugh so loud that his stomach had began to ache, he had insisted that they should try out an activity where they can immerse themselves with the stingrays but seonghwa was a little against it, fearing their stingers even though they were told that they have been removed. 

the older had kept clinging behind yeosang while the younger referred to them as a sea pancake, when yeosang finally encouraged him to touch it he ended up running into yeosang's arms and making him lose his balance, causing them to get submerged in the water, needless to say it was an eventful date.

their third date was more laidback, it was just them going grocery shopping but yeosang insisted that he consider it as a date but in all honesty he was just feeling clingy and the child-like personality jumped out when he situated himself inside the cart

he would just point out what they should get until he was covered in groceries but when they got to the candy aisle, yeosang gets out of the cart to retrieve some gummy bears as well as kiss seonghwa as he said it was appropriate because seonghwa's kisses are the sweetest

the action left the older all red and flustered and when yeosang was going for another kiss, they see jongho and yunho pass by so they immediately tore away from each other.

the fourth date was a stay-at-home one, hansoo was feeling under the weather that day so they stayed home, cuddling their baby on the couch as they had a marathon of ghibli movies while eating the chicken noodle soup that seonghwa had prepared.

the fifth one was probably yeosang's favorite, wooyoung and san took care of hansoo that day because seonghwa lied that he was sick and didn't want hansoo to get exposed but it was just because they wanted to surprise the little one

they had re-decorated an extra room in their house which was originally a guest room turned storage room but they figured it'd be best if they turn it into hansoo's bedroom but as they were painting the walls, yeosang got a little too brave and would brush up against seonghwa from time to time and would apologize with a sickly sweet smile.

needless to say they were a bit side-tracked when seonghwa pushes him to the ground and they ended up making out, not even caring that they were both covered with paint. 

the sixth one was surprisingly with mingi and hongjoong, but the latter didn't know that seonghwa was coming along and they actually invited soobin to meet yeosang

it ended up with both guys doing anything and everything to catch yeosang's attention while mingi and hongjoong just looks in awe, but at least yeosang got 2 different kinds of drinks from each of them as well as an abundance of desserts as they tried to one up each other. 

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