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bit of u - mochi ft. theotherandre 

❝give me just a bit of you, promise i'll take care of you.❞

after giving their parents a call, they've agreed to come for lunch at the kang's residence, it had been a while since they've bonded with their kids. 

and thus, seonghwa and yeosang were on their way to yeosang's family home, he felt a tad nervous as to how they would tell their parents about how hansoo came into their life 

"hyung," yeosang spoke for the first time ever since they've left their apartment 

"can this be our 7th date?" he asks, seonghwa chuckles before turning to him briefly "eager, are we?" yeosang smiles, a bit embarrassed 

"a little," he gestures with his fingers and seonghwa pats his leg "of course it can be, i mean, the exhibit opens the next weekend, so it's perfect timing." the younger nods, excitement bubbling inside of him, he's excited for their 8th date as well as the reveal of seonghwa's new project as it'd mean more opportunities and more people that will see his talent.

"should we tell our parents that we are in the courting stage?" seonghwa jokes, glancing at hansoo in the backseat who was occupied by watching a video on yeosang's tablet 

"do you think they've made a bet?" yeosang counters, taking out his phone to text his mom that they were on about 10 minutes away 

"knowing our mom's, i'd say a solid yes." the older agrees, making yeosang sigh but with a smile "i think your mom will immediately know that hansoo is your son." yeosang turns up the radio a bit 

"technically, he's our son." seonghwa corrects, reminding yeosang that in his documents, he is hansoo's other guardian/parent 

"he's like 85% seonghwa and 15% yeosang." seonghwa can't help but agree, hansoo looks like the exact copy of seonghwa when he was his age, even his personality but with the child being close to yeosang, he'd also pick up some of yeosang's personality and habits 

"i mean, we're somehow doing a good job at raising him, apart from the part that he's fairly protective over you." 

seonghwa recalls all the incidents that hansoo had caused when it came to yeosang's dates with taehyung, it's something they can laugh about and something they will surely hold against hansoo when he grows up.

"come on, little bug, time to meet your grandparents." seonghwa unbuckles him from his carseat 

"be on your best behavior or else you won't get cuddles again, we wouldn't want that to happen again, right?" hansoo nods and seonghwa puts him down on the ground "i'll meet you in a bit, just have to park the car." the little one immediately waddles towards yeosang and held his hand.

after they've tackled the stone steps that lead to yeosang's front yard, he sees their parents basking in the gentle sunlight while his mom was helping their maids in carrying the food to the tables they've set outside 

"oh, you- they're here." she announced and all eyes were on them "yeosang, darling, did seonghwa somehow turn into a child?" his mom jokes, approaching and hugging him before crouching down at the little boy 

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