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feel special (cover) - suggi 

❝with a warm smile, you held out your hand, everything's alright.❞

the sky was starting to get sunny that saturday morning yet the air was chilly, making it the perfect weather for cuddling. 

seonghwa found himself in yeosang's bed yet again, ever since hansoo asked to be cuddled by both of them, it had become a more frequent occurrence but the roommates didn't mind.

especially not yeosang, he was starting to see a different light when it came to seonghwa, he was proud at how much seonghwa took responsibility in such a short amount of time, every time he wakes up, he would immediately smile at the sigh of hansoo and seonghwa sleeping, he was beginning to notice some of hansoo's habits and in his eyes he just sees another seonghwa but smaller and more cuter.

yeosang is an early riser and as he tried wiggle out of bed without waking the sleeping figures, seonghwa grabs him "too early," he mumbles 

"don't you want breakfast to be ready?" yeosang quizzes "stay." yeosang rolls his eyes, even though seonghwa is most likely half-asleep, he's still quite stubborn and so he gives in, he wraps his arms over hansoo who was clinging on to seonghwa 

"you look so pretty every morning," he hears seonghwa mumble and open one eye "yeah, so pretty." he confirms before nuzzling his nose against hansoo's hair "you said i was an 8/10 because you're the only 10 in this household." yeosang reminds him as he covers their bodies with his comforter 

"well, perhaps i lied, you've always been a 12/10." seonghwa teases, snaking his hand up to yeosang's cheek and pinching it "so pretty, like a prince." yeosang can feel seonghwa's finger tips on his birthmark, it was the first time that seonghwa touched it 

"i've always liked your birthmark," seonghwa expressed and this flustered the younger "ah hyung, stop that." he moves his hand away and hides his face with hansoo's stuffed animal 

"i'm just being honest yeo." seonghwa tries to pry the toy away from his face but to no avail "which brings me to my favor," yeosang peeks at him and raises a brow

"can hyung take photos of you?" yeosang immediately shakes his head "why though?" the younger asks "just for practice and because as i said, you're a 12/10." seonghwa feels hansoo stir in his hold and yeosang tries to get up again 

"please, we can even take hansoo!" seonghwa enthused, squeezing his baby's cheek "can you really say no to us? look how cute we are." seonghwa pouts as he gestures to hansoo 

"fine, if you make breakfast." seonghwa immediately gets out of bed but as he got to the threshold of the room, he looks back to his friend 

"no! something better, go shower and we'll get some coffee and eat breakfast at the place by our building." seonghwa says, yeosang just gives in and he shakes his head when seonghwa finally gets out of his room 

"baby, time to wake up," he shakes hansoo as he gets up from the bed as well "it's such a nice day outside baby dove." yeosang peppers his face with kisses, knowing that it tickles the little one 

"appa wants to go out today." he entices and the small boy started to wake up, he rubs his eyes with his small hands "where going hyung?" he asks "appa has work so we're going with him, how does that sound?" hansoo yawns, still not fully awake 

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