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That unforgettable day,

was actually an extremely exhausting and shitty day.

Shit happens a lot in my life, yet that day was absolute hell.

For a headstart of this day, the loud ringing sound that came from such a small alarm clock didn't even manage to wake me up from my heavy sleep. I barely have any time to get myself ready for school. I hurriedly took a quick bath, tripping on the way from my beloved bed towards the bathroom. I didn't bother to eat breakfast which I regretted immediately after I charged off to somewhere torturing me every single day, school.

Even though I tried reaching my shithole (school) as fast as I can, wasting exactly a hundred percent of my stamina I had, I was still a few minutes late. I reached my class door and silently placed a few knocks on the door. The class's atmosphere was tremendously silent.


There was supposed to be a chemistry test that morning. The moment I stepped half of my foot inside, I felt every single eye there were in that small room shifted to my direction. I awkwardly walked across the classroom tiles, keeping my head down from embarrassment.

"Why are you late y/n? Don't you remember that there's a test going on this morning?" my teacher broke the silence, staring deep into my eyes. I groggily looked away.

"Sorry ms, I stayed up late doing my essays last night and I ended up waking up a little bit late than usual"

what a freaking bad reason you blabbered to her, y/n.

"2 hours of detention after school, and here take your test" she handed me the papers, glancing at me. I lazily took it and started activating my brain, trying to make it function, but it seems that my brain wasn't on my side after all. I left a few unfinished questions and handed it to my teacher. Without any question asked, I knew I was going to fail this test with an extremely low score.


Arriving at the cat cafe where I was working two hours late that was caused by the useless detention made me once again, scolded by the manager of the cafe. I started working even though my whole body was completely exhausted, and I pretty much needed some sleep.

By 'some' means a twelve-hour of deep sleep with no one interrupting my precious moment. But you all know, life sucks.

The clock struck 7, my shift was over. I dragged my pitiful legs to the bus station just to find out that I had missed the last bus. Frustrated, I stormed into a nearby cafe to calm myself down with a cup of coffee I missed this morning.

My butt just came in contact with the wooden chair below it, with my phone on my right hand when this strange euphoria feeling hit the insides of my body. I looked around the cafe, aware of what I was feeling, yet I was the only customer. I shook away the strange feeling and focused back to my phone, texting my very talkative friend, Won young.

The doorbell that belongs to the cafe rings, revealing a boy in black. I stare at him blankly when suddenly the euphoria feeling shot through me like a bullet, yet it made my heart race faster than a cheetah could run. I tried to ignore it once again, but I grunted as that feeling didn't fade from time to time.

"Hey" at the end, he approached me. He dragged down his mask, revealing an adorable captivating face, who I immediately recognize.

Hyun Taewoon, big hit trainee, is staring into my soul and I don't know how to act.

"So, I guess both of us met our soulmate today, eh?" he spoke up for the second time before I could answer his greetings. My eyes widened.


Ignoring the fact that he was still standing in front of me waiting for my much needed answer, I immediately disappeared from his sight, sprinting to the girl's toilet.

I looked at myself through the mirror. I hesitantly pulled down my shirt, revealing a pink heart, that was supposed to be skin-colored this morning. I slowly came to my senses.

I am Hyun Taewoon's soulmate.

Instantly after I finished freaking out alone in the bathroom, I went back outside. He was still there, waiting for me. The stress that occupied me the whole day washed away at once. It was replaced by a feeling of happiness I never experienced before.


And that was a short summary of my day a year ago when I met my first soulmate. Since then, I've been seeing him almost every day, except when he was too busy to practice and work until midnight. It was easy in the beginning before his debut. But his debut made things get rougher for the both of us.


"YAH! Y/N! ARE YOU LISTENING?" Won young shrieked right in front of my earlobes, shaking my body rapidly with both of her arms. Rubbing my ears, I finally snapped back and pretended I was listening to my talkative friend who seems to never shut her small mouth up.

"You weren't listening to me, am I right? Tell me I'm right, don't you dare lie to me" she whined for the nth time this day.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" I rolled my eyes, standing up, preparing to leave for the next class. But unfortunately, my annoying ass friend's hand was way faster than my legs. She gripped my hand and forced me back to my seat, bumping my ass a little too hard when it came to contact with the wooden chair below.

"Don't you dare walk away from me. Now listen," she snapped.

 I swear to god, I wasn't ready to hear her nonsense today but I guess I have no other option

"BTS is going to have a fan sign event and we really should go" she half squealed, flapping her arms continuously.


"Really? when?" I asked, my mood definitely getting better every second.

"Two weeks time. Got the tickets already" she calmly answered me, leaving me dumbstruck.

'WHAT?! YOU GOT THE TICKETS ALREADY AND YOU DIDN'T INVITE ME TO GO WITH YOU? WHY DID I EVEN BEFRIEND YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE" I screamed out loud, causing a few of my classmates to flash an annoyed look at me. 

"Calm tf down, and you really should take that back. In fact, I'm such a considerate and thoughtful friend. I bought one ticket for you too, dummy" she said while gently pushing my head with her finger.

"Oh..." she left me speechless. She suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to our next class, which annoyingly was Maths. I swear I could just die by trying to solve those shitty maths problems.


It was lunchtime when my phone suddenly chimed. I checked who it's from, and I enthusiastically opened the message.

Taewoon: Hey! you're clearly happy right now. What's gotten into you? 

I smiled a little

Y/n: Going to go on a BTS fan meeting in the next two weeks! So excited uwu

I waited for his reply, but he seems rather busy so I put down my phone and started eating my so-called cold and unappetizing lunch.

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