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"Stupid little bitch" he cursed and raised his right hand upwards, marching towards me.

oh shit

I brought my arms upward to cover my face, and it somehow reminded me of the scene where my dad did this to me. My hands and feet started to tremble and the scene where my dad sent a flying vase towards my mom replayed in my mind.

"Stop it Taewoon" I clearly heard my mom's voice behind me. I thought I was imagining things so I glanced backward and my mom was really there. Saving me, again.

"Don't you dare hurt her again. It's over between you and y/n so you better back off" my mom growled. I was extremely shocked by hearing her tone, It was rare to hear her growling voice that way. Taewoon's furious expression slowly dissolved and it turned into a somewhat scared face. His eyes darted back and forth from my mom and me while taking small steps backward and he turned his heels back, leaving both of us behind.

I saw his car slowly disappearing from as it goes further and further away from the picnic site. I faced my mom when his car completely disappeared from my sight.

"Wait, why are you here?" I panicked since she was supposed to be in the hospital.

"The doctor said I could go since I'm healthy enough to go. I was going to go back home and make a phone call to you and I spotted you with Taewoon walking together. So after I heard your story the other day I decided to follow both of you" she smiled.

"Thank god your mom instinct are-" my sentence was interrupted by a huge amount of pain pressed on my left wrist. My right hand clasped on top of my wrist, it stings so much, my eyes are watering within seconds.

"What's wrong y/n?" my mom panicked.

I checked my left wrist, and there was no sign of injury, then it hit me, it was Yoongi's pain i was feeling.

"It's Yoongi" I gasped. I ran and ran, ignoring the sharp sting felt on my wrist. I was almost left by a bus, but I didn't care if I looked like a crazy shit but I banged the bus door so hard, and the driver re-opened the door to let me in.

I got Bangtan's dorm address from Hobi and thank god it wasn't that far. I hopped out of the bus and ran as fast as I can, not caring if my lungs were in lack of air.

I pounded my fist on their front door approximately 3 times per second, until I saw Namjoon opening the dorm room open wide.

"y/n?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Where's Yoongi?" I didn't waste anymore seconds to ask him that important question.

"He's been locking himself in his room, and he only went out once, to see you this morning" he explained.

"oh my god, do you have a key or something to his room? I think he might have cut himself or something, I felt it" I panicked.

"WHAT?" Namjoon shrieked and dashed towards the living room, knocking a chair and a air purifier on the way. He took a key and led his way to Yoongi's room.

The door clicked open.

And i was right.

a/n: sorry for a short chapter lol💀

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