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And so I agreed to his offer.

I strictly practiced singing every day and night alone inside my room. Once, I almost got caught by Taewoon, but thankfully Wonyoung was there and helped me out.

Approximately a week after he sent me the minus one, and gave me a copy of the lyrics, I went back to his little yet comfortable studio for recording.

I was trembling that day when I took the bus to Bighit. I was worried that I will disappoint Yoongi since he chose me instead of those other kpop idols that have good vocals.  I mean, he's Yoongi, who wouldn't want to have a collab with him?

Even worried, I kept forcing myself to come and started the recording. I was literally trembling inside the room, hands fidgeting nonstop behind my back. My breathing became loud and clear, heart pounding at an inhuman speed.

Yoongi examined me behind the clear glass, and stood up, making his way towards my place. He approached me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Hey, stop worrying. You'll do great I promise, just sing like you did on the karaoke room and enjoy yourself. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, we can start over anytime" he comforted me. And it did make me feel less worried.


Then finally the recording starts. The song started to play and I managed not to choke on the first sentence of the lyrics. My trembling hands started to calm down and I closed my eyes to continue singing. I got the lyrics copied in my head, which made me enjoy the song even more. And before I realized, I finished singing the whole song and saw Yoongi giving me two thumbs up with his cute gummy smile.

I went to Yoongi's room to hear my recording clearly, but I felt something was off so I decided to re-record it. I came back to the recording studio and started singing calmly for the second time, and I felt that I sang better this time.

After I was done with my recordings, I took a break by eating Jjajangmyeon that Yoongi bought for me, while watching Yoongi recording his own rap. It was fascinating to see him record his own song.

And a week after we finished recording, Yoongi had already finished editing and the song was finally finished. He sent me the song, and I admit it was very good.

Yoongi told me that he'll release the song two days from today, but he'll not tell the company and also armys, he wanted to make it a surprise.

The song was released today.

And I can't believe my vocals made it to the top charts. Yoongi didn't give any information about who was singing with him, so a lot of armys are guessing randomly in the comments section.

And for the first time, I felt extremely proud of myself, even though people don't know that voice belongs to me, I was totally happy.

I was listening for the nth time when a voice call came, a call from a random number. I answered it and J-hope's voice came out immediately.

"Y/N! CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR SONG AND YOONGI!" he optimistically congratulates me, and a big smile crept up my face.

"Thanks, Hobi"

"How bout some barbeque tonight with the members?"

"That'll be great!" I enthusiastically answered.

"Um... can I invite Wonyoung?"

"Hm... I smell something fishy going on over here" I teased. "But of course you can invite her to come"

"Yah! We're friends" his defending mode turned on.

"Yeah, yeah, friends" I laughed, bopping my head even though I knew Hobi couldn't see it. "Okay, I'll see you tonight"

"Okay! Bye y/n" with that, our phone call came to an end.

"Her voice was really angelic though, good job y/n!" Jimin complimented. I blushed deeply by his words.

We were eating barbeque with all the members, Wonyoung included. The boys are so enthusiastic about our song, which made me beyond happy. My eyes darted to Wonyoung and Hobi, who sat right next to each other with literally no space in between. I smiled at their actions towards each other and I'm glad my plan worked.

"Rapmon Hyung! When's Min Ju going to come?" Jungkook suddenly blurted out, making Namjoon's eyes larger in seconds.

"WHO'S MIN JU?" the rest of us coincidentally asked the same question at the same time.

"I told you to shut up didn't I Jungkook?" he annoyedly asked Jungkook. "And I owe you guys explanation. I found my soulmate 3 days ago, Jungkook was there, so of course, he knew. Her name is Min Ju and I accidentally crashed into her that day"

"Good thing you didn't destroy her Hyung" Taehyung laughed, earning a few nods from the rest of the members. Namjoon looked away and stood up, approaching a girl a few meters away from our table. Namjoon and who I suspected to be Min Ju approached our table and the members started to fake a cough to tease them. I decided to join in the fun and sent a small cough while smiling at Namjoon.

"Cut it out guys" He hissed ordered, "By the way, this is Min Ju" he pointed at the girl beside him. "And I'm pretty sure you know these guys over here right?" he asked Min Ju, which she replied with a nod.

"Oh yeah, and that's Yoongi's soulmate over there, Y/n" he introduces me, "there's also Ha Eun, Jin Hyung's soulmate and lastly, there's Wonyoung, who I predict will be Hoseok's girlfriend in no time" Namjoon teased back. I laughed and looked over to Wonyoung, whose face was as red as a tomato.

"Yah! We're friends!" Hoseok's full defense mode turned on once again

"We'll see for the next few days then" Namjoon crossed his arms

"I agree with Rapmon Hyung" Jungkook beamed

"I think we all agree" I kept teasing them

"S-stop it y/n!" Wonyoung uttered as she threw a dirty tissue towards me, which I dodged pretty easily.

"Look at her stuttering" Jin joined the conversation. We started our conversation by teasing those lovebirds and ended up talking about a bunch of other topics. 


My eyes were still heavy, indicating I still need more of my peaceful sleep. But my phone ringing totally ruined my morning, since I forgot to put it on silent mode last night.

I grunted and moved my body sideways to grab my phone, and a video call was requested on my screen from Taewoon. I didn't bother to think about how I look like, I accepted the call and saw his smile expanding.

 "Hey! Did I wake you up?" 

"What do you think sir?" I asked with a smile

"Oof! I'm sorry! You look cute though" 

"Stop it will you" I covered my face with my blanket.

"I was just asking if we could hang out and finish our disturbed picnic" 

"Good idea, but don't be here too soon I need time to get ready," I said, finally looking at my screen. Taewoon's smile eventually faded off and he froze like a rock. I kept calling him but he kept silent, until he cut off our call, leaving me wondering why he was acting that way.

a/n: Don't be a silent reader pls :D

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