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"So, where are we going?" I opened a conversation as we entered Yoongi's car, buckling my seatbelt on.

"I don't know either, where do you wanna go?" he asked, his hands resting on the steering wheel, yet our car was still on place.

"I wanted to go to an arcade, and probably walk around the mall. But we can't do that right?" I laughed it off. Yoongi's smile faded and his face darkened a little. 

"You know, I'm kidding. We can go anywhere you want" I tried to cheer him up a little. His expression remained the same and said nothing as he hit the gas pedal and the car drove off.

Yoongi didn't say anything along the way, and it made the ride kind of boring. My eyes felt heavy and the next thing I knew was the fact that I fell asleep.


"y/n" I heard a voice whispered. I was immediately awakened by his voice, but instead of opening my eyes and respond to the calling, I laid completely still and decided to tease Yoongi. Just when I decided to open my eyes and laugh, I felt my car seat slanted to the right side, indicating a weight of a hand was placed on it.

And that weight was Yoongi's hand.

Then that was the moment I felt my heart stopped beating. A light kiss was planted on my head. It was so gentle, I almost didn't feel it. I kept silent, even though all of my internal organs, especially my heart, is jumping up and down inside my body.

"Y/n! We're here" Yoongi shook my shoulders. And this time, I opened my eyes with my mind still unable to move on from the incident earlier. Unlike the sweet Yoongi I just encountered earlier, he didn't spare a glance and acted cool when I woke up, making myself chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow, finally looking at me.


"Fine it's nothing. Let's just go" Yoongi said and stepped out of the car. I scanned around and realized we're in front of an arcade, so my body reacted immediately and rushed out of the car. I hurriedly walked to the bowling arena, with Yoongi following me from behind.

"Let's make a bet" I turned to Yoongi.

"What bet?"

"Um... The loser should sing for the winner in the karaoke machine" I said the first thing that came up in my mind.

"Fine, I'll win though. So be prepared to sing" He confidently walked past me and started the game. He told me to go first, and I did, knocking 9 pins on my first try. I admit I was pretty shocked by my bowling skills because it has been ages since the last time I played it.

"Let me see if you can knock more than me" I said in a rather mockery tone. He didn't reply to me with anything and confidently rolled the ball in a weird pose, knocking 3 pins at the end. The sight of him pouting in the end was hilarious.

"There's still a few more rounds, I'm just warming up" he reasoned.

"Yeah, of course you were just warming up. I know you don't play that bad" I laughed with my most wicked laugh I've ever shared in my whole entire life. I went to play again, and I made a strike, smirking at Yoongi afterwards.

Our mini game ended faster than I thought, Yoongi lost to me by 15 points. 

"I guess you're just too good at this game" Yoongi tried to look cool as he said those words.

"I'm ready to hear you sing, Mr.Yoongi" I laughed and pulled him towards the karaoke machine. He lazily walked behind me with heavy steps, but he didn't complain. "Be prepared to sing" I imitated him, lowering my voice and let out a satisfied laugh afterwards. 

"Oh, shut up" He laughed and took a microphone "I can't sing so I'll rap instead" Yoongi told me which I immediately agree. My inner fangirl started to grow by the sight of Yoongi holding a microphone while preparing to rap, live right in front of my eyes, within my reach.

The song started to play and he took a deep breath before diving into the song. I swear I was dying by hearing Yoongi's rapid yet clear rap. He's rap was faster than a moving train and I was so mesmerized by his voice. I kept my eyes glued on him until the song end.

I mean, of course I would glue my eyes on him. He's Yoongi after all.

"Close your mouth or else a fly will fall into your trap" Yoongi teased, pointing my mouth. I felt heat rushing through my cheeks, so I looked away and saw another game across the karaoke machine and quickly rushed out to avoid more embarrassment.

"He's right about her" I heard Yoongi murmured as he jogged to keep up with my speedy pace, even curious, I didn't ask about what he meant.

"Now it's my turn to make a bet" Yoongi grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the basketball game machine. I heavily sighed since I sucked at playing basketball, but agreed at the end since he did agree on my bowling game as well.

"And what are we exactly betting on?" I asked curiously

"The same thing" he shrugged, ignoring my deep, long sigh coming from my mouth. The game started and I continuously tried to score a point but ended up only gaining half from Yoongi's score. Even with a low score, I got to move on to the next stage and my competitive side suddenly built up and i was determined to win. I focused on the ring and gained a few more points than what I gained on the last stage, but eventually, I can't keep up with Yoongi's point and lost the game.

"Great game y/n. But it'll be better if you sing" Yoongi teased and pulled me back to the karaoke machine, with me grunting on the way. Once we were inside the karaoke machine, he quickly grabbed a microphone and handed it to me. The moment I grabbed the mic from his hand, my hands started to shake by the thought of me singing in front of Yoongi.

I sang a few times before, and people told me I got a beautiful voice but I was never confident with my voice. I braced myself to sing, even though I choked on the first few sentences of the song. But after I begin to enjoy myself singing, I didn't even remember that Yoongi was there. Lyrics kept coming out from my mouth and I was able to fully enjoy it even until after I finished singing the whole song.

I saw Yoongi observing myself when I finished singing, 

"And now I finally found someone to fill the gap of my new song on my next mixtape" he announced, leaving me dumbfounded.

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