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"Is she usually like this Hyung?" I heard Jungkook asking Yoongi about myself, secretly pointing at me, his index finger was only halfway visible from behind his back.

"Nope, she's just probably nervous because obviously she's an army" Yoongi helped me out, shaking his head on the process. Hearing his voice made me snap back to reality and accepted Jungkook's small handshake. I was slowly dying inside when my hand came in contact with his soft hand, and I cleary ended our handshake faster than normal people usually do.

The others greeted me in a friendly manner, and offered me to sit on the couch. The boys are so loud and chaotic, which is kind of fun to hang out with since there was no more awkward moment between the eight of us. 

Everyone kept pushing me and Yoongi to tell them about how we met, and how did we spent time together. Yoongi shot them deadly glares, but it didn't succeed on making the group to shut up, yet it just made them louder and more enthusiastic than before.

"Ah, come on Hyung! Just tell us already!" The youngest and Tae pouted and did aegyo, which my eyes couldn't handle the cuteness that i had to look away from them before I could literally die there from the sudden attack.

"Your aegyo won't affect anything on me" Yoongi scoffed, laying his back onto the sofa and closed his eyes to drift off to his dreamland.

"But it'll work to y/n!" Jimin suddenly jumped into the conversation, joining the other two doing aegyo towards me. The fake maknae suddenly stood up and did it too, making me hide my face behind my small hands. I kept staying on that position for a while, and I knew that they were still doing the aegyo since Tae's baby voice came out. Jungkook's hands reached mine and pulled them further from my face, making me stare at the four of them doing deadly aegyo towards me.

"fine fine i'll tell you guys" I finally say it out aloud. The boys seemed to be so proud of themselves and confidently walked back to their seats.

"Mr. Worldwide Handsome is now all ears" Jin announced.

"So what are you waiting for? SPILL THE TEA" Namjoon energetically said. I rolled my eyes and told them about how we met from my perspective. They kept getting excited on their own, making me shake my head countless of times.

"To be honest, i knew this already since the day they met" Jin suddenly confessed when i finished my story, earning deadly glares from his dongsaengs.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?" Jungkook whined, slapping Jin's arms with full force. I could hear Jin's winces from the pain Jungkook left on his left arm.

"because i told him not to, shithead" Yoongi said, throwing a big pillow to the maknae. I only giggled at their interaction. By viewing at this sight, I could sense their closeness, and how they are really comfortable with each other.

The rest of the day, was only filled with laughter, since the bangtan boys are telling humiliating stories about each other.

But something was odd, J-Hope was silent since the beginning, which doesn't look like his personality at all. I saw him stood up and went away, and I decided to follow him.

"Hoseok!" I called him between steps, causing him to glance back.

"Oh hey! Sorry if I was too silent, it's not that I don't like you or something. I'm just in a really bad mood" Hoseok laughed at himself. I'm not that type of person who could read other people, but his fake laugh was too obvious for me not to notice.

"No, it's okay" I reassured him "By the way, did you found your soulmate?" I tried to keep that question to myself, but my mouth won't cooperate with me and just blabbered it out. "You don't have to answer me though, sorry" i quickly added.

"No. Instead of finding her, I lost her" Hoseok admitted and looked down "Please don't tell anyone about this" he added.

"I won't, I'm sorry for bringing this up," I said. I almost asked why did he lost her, but I don't think I should invade his privacy furthermore.

"She died y/n. Even before i met her" Hoseok's eyes teared up. I felt so bad for bringing this up in the first place, and my heart broke by the sight of Hoseok crying in front of me.

My mind shifted to Wonyoung, who was in this situation this morning and I excitedly tapped on Hoseok's shoulders.

"Just wait for a few days, I'll see you again" I happily shrieked and made my way back to Bangtan's room, leaving Hoseok with lots of questions inside his head.

"Yoongi, can we talk for a while?" I nudged him with my elbow to make him from his deep sleep. He groaned, but when his eyes met mine, he nodded and quickly stood up.

I followed him, walking to the unknown. He kept silent during the walk and i had no topic to talk about so I did kept my mouth shut.

"About Hoseok, I have an idea to make his cheerful side back on" I told him as I closed his studio door.

"Do you even know his problem?" Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep! He told me a few minutes ago, when you were sleeping lazily on the couch" I laughed.

"For your information," he pointed at me "I'm not lazy, I was just making the best use of time to charge myself"

"Fine fine, I can't argue with you, can't I?"

"Nope" he chuckled.

"Okay, back to Hobi. Remember that friend I hang out with today? She-"

"I don't remember since I didn't even met her" he interrupted me.

"Wait, don't interrupt me Yoongs. Her heart dissapeared too. She lost her soulmate, just like Hobi" I spilled the tea.


"What do you mean 'so?'. Let's bring them together!" I exclaimed. Yoongi didn't say a word for a long time, and I thought that he'll reject.

"Okay, let's try. We're worried about Hoseok too" Yoongi finally agreed. After our small talk, we went back to Bangtan's room and had fun until night came.

without Hoseok.

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