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"From my point of view, the finest way to solve this is for you to spend time with the both of them, to see who you're comfortable with," Doctor Chang said, shrugging hef shoulders, yet her facial expression was serious.

"WHAT?! why though? So, let me make this clear. If I spend time with both of them and eventually came up with who I'm comfortable with, what am I supposed to do after I find out who it is? I'll just leave one of them to die?" I aggressively jumped out of my chair, stretching my arms forward, palms facing up to the ceiling.

"y/n please calm down," she said and made me sit back my ass to the freaky uncomfortable black chair. "I think this is the time to give you this" Doctor Chan whispered and got up, functioning her legs to bring her towards her drawer. It made me wonder about what she was going to give me. She brought over a weird looking thing, it kinda reminds me of an electrical thermometer.

"This is something that helps you to break the bond you have with your soulmate. So, it is your choice to pick who you want to be with for the rest of your life. And I suggest you to pick carefully because there's no turning back after you break this bond you have. Remember, no turning back." Doctor Chang explained carefully with a serious tone and then handed me the tool. I took it gently and examined it while trying to process what she said.

"What happens to the person I vanished our bond?" I hesitantly asked, afraid to discover the truth about how miserable I'll make a person be. 

"He won't have any more soulmates for sure, but he can still get married if he finds a girl like him. If the girl broke a bond with his former soulmate, then he may get married and live a normal life with that girl. But as you know, it will be kind of hard for him to search for that girl" she sighed deeply. I felt numb, I remained silent, this was too much to digest.

After a while, Doctor Chang broke the silence and explained thoroughly how to work that tool. I find it really easy to do. I excused myself after, and sprinted towards my room, plopping myself to bed. 

"What should I do? Should I just come to Yoongi and tell him everything, cut the bond between us, then everything will come back to normal?" I hummed to myself, shaking my head. My head was full of stupid thoughts, and without realizing it, I drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up the next morning with a loud echo heard from a not so safe distance beside my ears. I grunted and opened my eyes, just to see my irritating friend.

"RESURRECT FROM YOUR DEATH Y/N! RISE AND SHINE AND TELL ME EVERY SINGLE DETAIL ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY WHEN YOU BITCH LEFT ME OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE TO ROT" Won young yelled right beside my ear, I'm literally gonna lose my ability to hear if I can't get this asshat to shut up.

"I'm awake so please shut your annoying mouth up" I groaned, lazily waking up and took a shower to wash away my sleepiness. 

Even inside my bathroom with water rushing down my ears, I could still hear Wonyoung's scream from outside. I'm literally gonna google on how to make a bitch shut up.

"Now, tell me everything, I ain't gonna wait anymore" Won young exclaimed as soon as I stepped one of my foot outside my bathroom.

"Fine fine! I'll tell you while I eat a bowl of cereal downstairs" I replied and sprinted down the stairs, skipping a few steps. I quickly prepared myself breakfast and sat in front of Won Young. I begin munching my food while speaking about what Doctor Chang told me yesterday. For the first time in my life, I experienced a Won young not interrupting me when I am telling her something. 

Which was a really good thing to experience.

"I bet you're confused as hell right now" Won young sighed, leaving the both of us in silence.

"Yah! Can I see your signed album from yesterday?" Won young asked me out of a sudden, earning a small nod from me. She ran to my room and took it herself. She came back happily while flipping the pages of my album, and something white slipped out of it, caught by my eye. I curiously took it and undo the folds, revealing a phone number with a small note on the bottom.

'Text me when you're not busy -myg'

I instantly knew this was from Yoongi, but what I didn't know was what should I do with the number he provided me with.

I handed Won Young the white paper without saying a word, she gave me a confused look and I nodded towards the paper. Being a stupid girl she is, I followed her gaze, reading the words written on the paper over and over again.

"OH MY GOD ISN'T THIS SUPPOSED TO BE YOONGI'S NUMBER?" she shouted as loud as she managed and made weird-ass movements in front of me.

"Yeah... Should I send him a text? And if I do, what should I say? Should I explain about my condition to him?" I showered Won young with bunch of questions.

"Well, at least you should text him. And about your condition, wait for a good timing to tell him" Won young, once again, surprised me by being serious. I nodded and hesitantly typed Yoongi's phone number.

It took approximately 15 minutes for me to send a single "Hey" to him. I wasn't able to make my fingers press the send button, which made Won young frustrated and pressed it aggressively.

Both me and Won young were staring at my phone, waiting anxiously. My phone chimed, revealing a new notification bar. With trembling hands, I took my phone and inserted the password.

yoongi: Hey! y/n?
                I've been waiting for your text

where tf did he knew my name from?

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