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I walked down the streets and luckily found a bus station nearby. My eyes are swollen and red since I've been wasting my tears way too much for a damn day, and the day hasn't even ended.

I examined the streets I passed by on the bus, a few people started staring at me and I chose to ignore their stupid stares. Once the bus stopped at my destination, I hopped off and charged towards a Starbucks near the hospital.

I bought myself some hot coffee and ordered hot chocolate for my mom in case she woke up. I went back to the hospital as soon as my order came out and thankfully saw that my mom was awake.

I quickly ran to her side and asked her if she was okay, which she only responded with a small nod.

"Did something happen y/n?" My mom finally produced a voice.

"No, why are you asking that?" I lied and gave her a small awkward laugh.

"Oh god y/n, I'm not that stupid. Your eyes are literally red and there's a red mark on your wrist" my mom noted. I looked down at my own wrist, and my mom's hand reached mine that was lying on the edge of her bed.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" my mom said with an extremely soothing voice. I nodded as tears started to form once again on both of my eyes. Words poured continuously from my mouth. I told her about everything that was troubling me. I was so grateful I got a mom like her.

She didn't ask any questions or interrupted me in any way. She stayed silent from the beginning through the end.

She hugged me as soon as I finished spilling all of my tea to her, I sat down on my mom's bed and laid down at last. My eyes felt heavy and I slept by my mom's side that night. There was nowhere else I would want to be rather than by her side.

"Seriously what are you doing here?" I snapped at Wonyoung the fourth time this minute. She suddenly popped up in front of me and my mom a few minutes ago, and I dragged her away from mom's room towards the small garden on the ground floor.

She stayed silent.

"What are you trying to do here?" I asked again, frustrated. "If you're not going to say or do anything then I'll get going," I said and turned myself towards the hospital building, muttering a few curse words under my breath as I stepped my first step.

Her hand stopped my track and I annoyedly faced her. Again.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled. "I shouldn't have slapped you that way, nor I shouldn't have got mad at you the other day. Hobi told me everything and it's clearly my fault that I didn't listen to him in the first place" Wonyoung explained, fidgeting her fingers.

"Yeah you shouldn't," I said, looking at her eyes.

"Sorry" she whispered under her breath and hung her head low, I couldn't see her face hiding beneath her long dark brown hair. I deeply sighed and circled my arms around her shoulders.

"Fine, let's just forget that ever happened. Just, next time try to let someone explain before you do something like that, huh?" I said.

"Okay... thanks y/n. If I were you I'll stay mad at me until I don't know when" she smiled.

"Good thing I'm not you" I walked away, she caught up with me and both of us went to the canteen.

"So, you're okay with Hobi?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I've been saying sorry for a thousand times, and he said it's okay and we should forget about it. Yet I feel so bad to him the last time I said sorry to him, he stayed silent and didn't say anything so I left" she explained.

"Oh god Wonyoung" I rolled my eyes and took my phone, ready to call J-hope. She stopped my hands and looked at me with a worried face.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Call Hobi" I calmly answered as I shoved her hands away. Hobi answered almost immediately.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" his concerned voice greeted me.

"Of course why would I not be okay?" I lied again.

"Stop lying, Yoongi told us everything"

my heart sank by hearing his name.

"Oh" was all I managed to say.

"So, why are you calling me?" he asked

"To sort your problem with Wonyoung" I replied.

"Oh... you know, I was about to say something important when she left. I was gathering the courage to say it but I think she thought that I was angry at her" he explained.

"Good. I'm with Wonyoung right now and you should talk to her, period." I said and forced Wonyoung to hold the phone and talk to Hobi.

I stared at her stuttering figure and a few seconds after, her body darted upwards and she froze, her eyes opened too wide I could see her blue veins on her eyeballs.

"What did he say?" I mouthed to her. Her eye blinked rapidly in full speed and took my phone away with her. I shook my head and chased her, but sadly her phone call ended when I reached her and forced my phone out of her grip.

"Why are you running away" I suspiciously asked, she stayed silent for a while and shrieked,


"STOP" I half-shouted at her while placing my right hand over her blabbering mouth. "Now, say everything you said before, but SLOWER" I emphasized the last word.

"I said..." she stopped for a while, "he said I love you for the first time just a while ago" her face turned as red as an actual tomato.

"Woah, and why did you run away?"

"To say it back," she said and hurriedly ran away from me. Smiling at her act, I chased her around, and eventually everything was back to normal.

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