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Yoongi's pov

<<a few moments before the fansign event starts

The fan sign event hasn't even started yet I was already exhausted from yesterday's practice. I only got approximately 2 hours of sleep today, thank god makeup exists to hide my tired eyes. Using the best use of time in the car, I intended to sleep all the way to the venue.

Weirdly enough, I was wakened up by a strange feeling that unexpectedly built inside of me. That feeling was a feeling that I never experienced before. I was happy, but at the same time, also terrified.

I tried to remain calm and shook away my weird, random thoughts. I tried to sleep, but the feeling was getting stronger every minute. The feeling was weird, but not in a bad way, it somehow made me happier than I was in my 22 years of living on this small planet.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Namjoon nudged me with his shoulders, giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired" I lied. Namjoon stared at me suspiciously and I gave him a reassuring nod. A few minutes after, I was still bothered by the unstoppable feeling that filled in my body, I took out my phone from my pocket and surfed the internet.

Shocked by finding the results, I planned to talk to Jin Hyung right after we arrive.


"Jin Hyung, can I have a word with you for a second?" I tapped on his shoulders, earning a suspicious nod from him. We walked to another room, an empty one.

"So, tell me, how do you feel when u meet Ha Eun?" I nervously asked him about his soulmate, fidgeting my fingers behind my back so he wouldn't notice.

"Woah, Yoongi! Why are you asking this?" his voice came out louder than I expected, but what should I expect from this Hyung? 

"Nevermind, I'll just tell you. So, before I met her, I felt this weird feeling inside of me. I felt slightly uncomfortable when it happens, but strangely, I was happy. In fact, I was too happy, I never recalled myself feeling this happy. At last, when I finally locked eyes with her, there's this new euphoria feeling you'll never experience when you're with another person" He explained dramatically, clenching both of his fists and brought it closer to his chest, making a dreamy face which I hate very much. I almost left him, but I needed the information so I forced myself to face this overenergetic Hyung.

"Okay I get it Hyung, thanks" I forcefully gave him a small smile, and before he could ask more to me, I left him in that small cramped room.

Everything was similar to what Jin Hyung has told me. The feeling, it was just the same with what Jin Hyung described. I hurriedly asked my manager for a small piece of paper and a pen. I scribbled my phone number and folded it, burying it deep down inside my pocket.

Y/n's pov

Yoongi didn't take his eyes off me, on the other hand, I didn't dare to face him and kept my head low. He seems to be observing every inch of myself, I felt slightly uncomfortable. Neither of us said a word and remained silent. He took my album from Jungkook, signed his signature below his own picture. I took a last glimpse of him before the staff gestured me to go down the stage.

My heart was beating so fast, I had a feeling it will break apart. I sprinted back to my seat. My eyes darted back to Yoongi, he seems bothered and lost his focus on the fan sign. I saw him observing the crowd, instantly making me look down and pretended I was scrolling through Instagram.

Which actually made me look very stupid, since my phone screen was absolutely black.

"YAH! WHO IS IT?!" Won young appeared out of nowhere, crashing into me.

"would you please lower your voice? I'm literally so done with you" I rolled my eyes, pushing her away from me, only to make her glued to me even more.

"WHO.IS.IT?" Won young whisper shouted while tugging to my shirt. I slapped her hand away,

"Yoongi" I answered, trying to sound calm, but eventually failed. Her eyes suddenly opened wide, her eyeballs seem to be popping out any minute. 

"WHAT?!" Won young shouted right beside my ear, causing me to wince. The crowd was glaring at us with unfriendly eyes. I apologized and dragged my loudmouthed friend outside, away from the venue.

"STOP DRAGGING ME AWAY! THE FAN SIGN HASN'T EVEN ENDED YET STUPID!' Won young shook away my hand that was currently clutching hers tightly. She gave me a look with pure hatred plastered on her face.

"I'm going home right now, whether you like it or not, I don't care if you're going with me or not. There's nothing you can do to prevent me from leaving" I hurriedly informed, and turned my heels toward the bus station. I heard footsteps chasing after me, feeling slightly happy having company.


I immediately sprinted towards my personal doctor's office when I reached my house. Tripping over my stairs, I kept running until I reached her door. Without knocking, I pushed down the door handle, producing a loud voice. 

"Do you ever learn to knock the door before entering somebody else's room?" Doctor Chang pasted an irritating look on her face.

"Sorry! But, there's something important I need to tell you right now." I immediately dragged a chair and sat in front of her. "Imetmyothersoulmatetodayandithappenstobeyoongi" I spilled the tea speedily, and it made her raise one of her eyebrows.

"Stop talking like that, I won't ever understand you even if you repeat it for a hundred times." she sighed. "Now stop rapping, you're obviously not a rapper so start talking. CALMLY"

"I met my other soulmate today and it happens to be Yoongi. I don't know what to do, why did I even go to that stupid fan sign, I should've stayed home. Now, what should u do to Yoongi? I'm-" I freaked out as I jolted up from my seat and walked around her office in circles with speedy steps.

"Calm down y/n" My doctor blocked my way and rested her palm on my shoulders.

"Okay... but what should I do? Can I just forget it ever happens? I still got Taewoon" I blurted out, earning a long sigh.

"I'm afraid you can't do that. Since your heart turned pink, your energy has already been divided. So, even if you spend a whole lot of time with Taewoon, 50% of your energy will be gained. And you'll get sick by only having that small amount of energy. This also apply to Yoongi, he needs you. Especially since he's an idol, he'll get tired easily and he'll eventually get sick if you don't meet him" she explained truthfully.

oh god what should I do?

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