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My body froze when I spotted my dad, looking deep down to my eyes furiously. I continuously tried to say a word but nothing came out of my mouth. So instead, I asked Yoongi to go before my dad do something bad to me in front of him. Luckily Yoongi understood and quickly left my house with no noise.

"WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT Y/N?" his rasing voice made me shiver.

"my soulmate" i whispered and looked down. I never dare to look at my father's eyes, especially in moments like this.

"WHAT SOULMATE? HE'S DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER GUY YOU INTRODUCED TO ME THE OTHER DAY. ARE YOU LYING TO ME Y/N?" my dad pushed me aggresively and i fell butt first to the floor. Tears started forming on my eyes. I tried as hard as i can to keep it inside my eyes.

"She's born with two hearts, that's why-" my mom tried to explain, but he was cut off by my dad shoving my mom away from his sight.

"TWO HEARTS? TWO FUCKING HEARTS?! ARE YOU SERIOUS Y/N? I KNEW YOU WERE JUST A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT SINCE YOU WERE BORN" he scolded me. His words cut deeper than a knife could cut myself. I can't hold it anymore and tears streamed down my face.

Seeing me crying helplessly on the floor, my dad grabbed me by my hair aggressively until I felt a sharp pain from my head and dragged me to my room. Shoving me inside, i heard a loud click and that noticed he locked my room from the outside.

And I was there, lying on the white, cold floor in my room. Sobbing.

My father has always been like this. He never listened to me nor my mother, he made his own assumptions and got angry over small things. He enjoys hurting us, until to the point where we can't even feel the pain anymore.

My phone received two messages from a different source at the exact same time, from Yoongi and Taewoon, both asking if I'm fine.

I'm not.

My family kept telling me that deep down, my dad loves me.

But i know damn well that he doesn't.

It's been six days since he locked me up inside my own room.

yes, six days

And i was lucky my mom was always here, handing me simple yet delicious meals twice a day. I didn't know how she managed to bring it up to my room without getting caught by my father.

I was starving and i waited my mom to shove some food inside this 'prison'. I heard footsteps getting closer to my room and I felt sparks of joy by thinking food will get shoved in. But instead of food being shoved in, my door clicked open and my mom was standing right outside.

"C'mon out y/n, your dad's going on a business trip" my mom called me. I slowly stood up and took a step out of my room.

"I prepared breakfast downstairs, eat up" she pointed towards the stairs. I moved forwards a few steps forward and my second call from my mom was heard.

"Oh yeah, I think Taewoon will come again today. He came every day since your dad locked you up in your room. But unfortunately your dad told him off" My mom explained and I nodded. Continuing my way towards the kitchen to munch some food I've been hallucinating of since last night.

I was eating when I saw Taewoon's figure out of the window. I immediately shoved the leftovers inside my mouth and sent my plate flying towards the sink. I gulped down my last spoon of food and hurriedly opened the door.

"Finally, it's you who opened this damn door. I got kicked out a few times ya' know?" Taewoon laughed and pulled me into a hug. I mumbled a 'sorry' and felt him stroking my hair.

I missed him

"Let's go" he suddenly said, grabbing my hand. I kept silent and thought about where we were going because I don't remember making any plans with him.

"I've been preparing this since morning, thank god you're out of your room today" He sighed and opened his car door for me. I excitedly hopped in and waited for him to come in from the other side.

The road to the unknown was silent, I played a game on my mobile phone while he was focusing on the road. I secretly glanced once in a while to see where we were going and I still had no idea.

He turned the steering wheel to the left, entering a gigantic, wide park where people were seen to be enjoying their little picnic. Taewoon suddenly hit the break and jumped out of the car. My body reacted by joining him outside the car.

I inhaled deeply, stretching my arms above my head. Taewoon took 2 baskets out of the car trunk and gently laid it down on the grass. He begins setting up everything, telling me to just wait every time I intended to help.

Once everything's set up, he called me and both of us sat. Taewoon took some sandwiches and handed me one of them. He knew me so well, he gave me my favorite sandwich he made.

"So, if it's okay for me to ask, why did your dad lock you up in your room for a whole 6 days?" Taewoon suddenly asked. My brain froze, I didn't know what to say, I shifted uncomfortably on my seat. I thought that it wasn't the time to tell him yet, so i kept stuttering some unclear words. He was giving me a weird look which made me even more nervous.

Luckily, my phone ringed. Wonyoung's name appeared on my screen. I immediately picked up and told Taewoon that I'll explain later.

"what's up?" I asked her. And all i heard were her sobs.

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