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Christmas day.

It wasn't a day which I usually look forward to, but this year was different.

"Yah! Stop sleeping all day and get ready to prepare this surprise for Ha Eun!" I annoyedly gave a small slap to Yoongi's arm hugging a Shooky pillow.

"Oh god, we still got a lot of time to prepare y/n, let me sleep"

"haha, much time, very funny" I faked a laugh. "IT'S 5 AND HA EUN WILL ARRIVE HERE AT 6 YOONGS!"

"Fine fine, I'll wake up" he grunted and dashed towards his bathroom to change.

The room was pitch dark, all of us were gathered.

A crack sound was heard and i tightened my grip on Yoongi's soft hand.

"Aish, these guys, why did they leave this house empty with no lights on?" Ha Eun's voice ringed through our ears.

I turned on the lights.

Jin knelt on one knee right in front of Ha Eun.

I tried so hard not to make any noise coming out of my mouth when he proposed, his voice hitched a little.

His proposal went very smoothly even when we know how nervous Jin was. Tears formed on Ha Eun's eyes and it poured as soon as she was in his arms.

Wonyoung let out a high pitched scream and all of us jumped out from our hiding spot, congratulating the both.

"Aigoo, our Hyung is getting married and he'll eventually leave this house" Jimin pouted.

"Yeah, we need a new mom" Taehyung joined.

"y/n will be our mom, chill guys" Jungkook placed an arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes and took some soju out of the fridge, handing all of them a glass of it.

"Merry christmas guys" Ha Eun said, raising her glass.

"merry christmas" our voice collided as Yoongi turned me around and cupped my cheeks, our face inches apart.

and his lips crashed into mine.

𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦(𝘴) // 𝘮𝘺𝘨Where stories live. Discover now