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y/n: Yoongi?

Yoongi: yep!
I was thinking about meeting you again
if you texted me. If you want to though.

y/n: of course! I would love to
But aren't you busy?

Yoongi: I am. But I'm free tonight, perhaps I could
stop by at your house for a while?

I went crazy the moment I received that message, I literally sent my phone flying towards Won young, which was unbelievably been caught by her hands. Won young scanned her eyes throughout my chat and she calmly typed a few words and handed me back my phone, expressionless.

y/n: sure! Here's my address: xxxxxx

yoongi: great! I'll be there at 6
See you soon y/n :)

My eyes grew larger as I look through the message Won young sent, my fingers raced to find the unsend button, yet it was no use since Yoongi read the message before I managed to unsend the message.

"YAH! WHY DID YOU SAY YES BITCH?" I yelled at Won young furiously, causing her to jump up from her seat

"I thought you wanted to see him, oh my god don't tell me you're not going to meet him" Won young blabbered

"I was thinking about meeting him but at least we should talk online before meeting in real life dummy!" I sat harshly on my sofa. Won young gave me a small nod of understanding. I deeply exhaled, excepting reality.

Yoongi's pov

"Hyung! Why hasn't she texted me yet?" I asked my oldest Hyung with anxious washing through me.

"yah! be patient, I'm sure she'll text you soon" he answered me, eyes still glued to his phone.

I told Jin Hyung, only him, that I met with my soulmate yesterday. I didn't want to tell anyone at first, but then Jin Hyung approached me and asked why I was out of focus on the fan sign event. He didn't force me to tell, but I felt like I also needed someone to talk to.

And that was the time where my phone suddenly chimed, I hurriedly opened my phone and saw a new message from an unknown number.

"she messaged me" I informed Jin Hyung, he then aggressively snatched my phone from my own hands and typed a few words onto my phone. I tried to grab it away from him but he glared at me, making me sit back down, letting him do what was supposed to be my work.

"Here you go, I'll cover up for you later" he smirked and left me dumbfounded. I opened back my phone and read the chat.

what the heck, Jin Hyung?

y/n's pov

"Y/N!! IT'S 5 AND YOONGI'S GOING TO COME HERE SOON" Won young shouts came out of my bathroom. I shook my head in disbelief, thinking why am I friends with this brat.

"so what? what do you want me to do?" I asked in an annoyed tone that caused her to sigh deeply.

"Look at the mirror, will you?" Won young stepped into my room and pointed towards my outfit. I glanced sideways to see my reflection. She was right, I looked like a piece of shit and I wouldn't want Yoongi to see me this way.

I quickly moved my feet towards my closet and took an oversized t-shirt and shorts, and barged my way towards my bathroom to take a quick but useful shower.

"That's way better than the previous outfit that made you look like a beggar" Won young clapped her hands as I made my way out of my bathroom

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"That's way better than the previous outfit that made you look like a beggar" Won young clapped her hands as I made my way out of my bathroom. I applied some light makeup, to avoid myself looking like shit.

"Great! Now I'll get going, byeee!" Won young excitedly said and made her own way out of my house.

I waited anxiously, glancing at the clock that was hanging on my wall hundreds of time without even realizing. I hate to admit this but I kind of felt like I needed Won young's yells at that time to calm myself down.

My hands fidgeted more and uncontrollably as I glanced at the clock when it struck 6, my heart was pounding way too fast, it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest any minute.

My doorbell rings, making me jump onto my feet. Trembling, I made myself walk towards the front door. My right hand grabbed the door handle, slowly pushing it down until it made a small crack sound. I inhaled before opening the door, revealing Yoongi.

All I can see was his eyes, and it was gorgeous. My eyes made contact with his, and the euphoria feelings were blooming inside me like crazy. I felt my cheeks hotter, I broke the eye contact and let my face look down.

"So, aren't you going to ask me to go inside?" Yoongi teased me while pointing towards my back, making me realize I was being silent for way too long. I stepped aside, allowing Yoongi to come in and closed the door behind him. He finally took off his cap and mask, smiling at me.

God, he's stunning

I led him towards my sofa and we awkwardly sat side by side. I could feel that he was nervous as well. Both of us were silent, as I kept stealing small glances at him.

"Since you're an army, I'm sure you know me very well, so let's talk about you y/n. So-" Yoongi was about to ask me a question when I interrupted him unintentionally.

"How do you know my name?" I asked him curiously, he gave me a soft giggle.

"Well, it's not hard considering that you had a pretty loud friend beside you on the fan sign event," Yoongi told me and I nodded along. "So, how old are you y/n?" he finally got the chance to ask.

"I'm 18, we're both 4 years apart" I informed him.

And that's how our conversation starts, he asked me questions that seemed endless and pulled off some joke about it. I never thought I would ever see this cute side of Yoongi ever.

We were laughing hysterically on a stupid subject we were talking about when my phone suddenly vibrates, revealing a notification from Taewoon.

Taewoon: Hey! You sound so happy, wyd?

I smiled and quickly answered his chats, making Yoongi stare at me in silence.

"Who's that?" Yoongi asked me

"My soulmat-" I said without even thinking at first, my breath hitched seconds afterward since I was shocked at myself for being so stupid, telling him I was texting my soulmate.

"Soulmate?" Yoongi's face turned pale within a second, trying to search for answers by examining my face, which immediately fell down when I met his eyes.

what should I do, what should I do, what should I do

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