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She was nowhere to be found and I decided to head back home.

"Where were you this whole time?" a voice appeared behind me as I locked my house door from the inside. I encourage myself to look back and stare at the person standing in front of me.

Oh god, my dad's home

"WHERE WERE YOU THIS WHOLE TIME Y/N? ANSWER ME" he grabbed the hem of my shirt and shook my whole body rapidly, shoving myself to a chair right beside me. My foot hit the legs of the chair and I winced in pain.

"Are you ignoring me?" he hissed once again.

"I went to Japan with Taewoon, he's having a tour-"

"JAPAN?" his eyes full of anger, shouted at me. He raised a hand, and I saw it as a signal that he was going to hit me. I shivered and brought my arms up to cover my head both of my legs up to my chest. I closed my eyes and hardly tried to fill up some air into my lungs.

I heard a loud smack, yet I didn't felt anything hit me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mom standing in front of me. She grabbed my arms and made me stood up, and she pushed me away from my dad.

"Being your pitiful child's hero I see" he said, yanking my mom's hair backward. I gritted my teeth while witnessing the scene.

"She's our child" My mom clarified. My dad tightened his grip on my mom's hair, making my mom shriek in pain. I wanted to walk towards them and help, but my body froze in place, not daring to move an inch.

"I wouldn't want to have a stupid child like y/n. She's no daughter of mine" his words pierced me. Tears are forming in my eyes and I wiped them away.

My dad roughly pushed my mom, she can't maintain her balance with that much force and fell down. My dad laughed at my mom's condition. He stumbled back towards a small vase sitting on the floor and took it.

My eyes widened as he literally sent the vase flying towards my mom's fragile body. I screamed on top of my lungs and closed my eyes.

Then there was silence.

I opened my eyes and my dad was gone, my mom laying unconscious on the cold floor in front of me. I quickly ran to her side and called an ambulance.

Good thing I secretly recorded everything on my phone and didn't get caught by that monster.

I wasn't able to rest myself for a second in my house and I was back to the hospital once again, but with my mom, laying on her back unconscious.

The memories of my dad beating me and my mom throughout the years suddenly flashed back to my mind, and I can't help but stare at my mom with teary eyes.

I have to stop this.

But am I ready to report my own dad to the police? He's my dad after all even if he doesn't think of me as his daughter.

But all of those beating received from my dad is torture to the both of us, and now that I have a video to prove he was guilty, I came to the conclusion that I'm the only one who could stop this monster.

And I will.

"Y/n!" a hand shook me from my sleep. I was sleeping with my hand below my head, on the edge of my mom's hospital bed. I haven't eaten for a day or so since I didn't want to leave my mom alone. I was afraid if dad will come and make my mom's condition even worse.

My body was weak and drowsy, I needed more sleep since I only got an hour of sleep. I stayed up at night, watching my mom in silence. The nurse that came every hour even brought me a small bed for me to sleep in, yet I refused to sleep and stayed beside mom's bed.

"yah y/n! Are you sick?" Yoongi worriedly asked me as his palm reached my forehead.

"No, I'm not"

"Have you eaten yet?" he curiously asked, looking at my pale face.

"No" I hesitantly whispered.

"since when?"

"yesterday" I admitted as I brought my face down and Yoongi let out a deep sigh. He took my hand and dragged me away from the room. I was really hungry, to be honest, so I let him bring me away to get some food.

There was a small canteen on the ground floor of the hospital. Yoongi told me to sit down and wait for him to get me some food. I obeyed and sat in silence, and opened my twitter which I haven't opened in ages.

As an army, I opened Bangtan's tweets and there were lots of tweets from Taehyung about Yoongi's condition last week. A pang of guilt rushed through me the second time.

I waited for 15 minutes or so, yet Yoongi hasn't come back. I tried scanning around the quiet canteen, and I didn't see any sign of Yoongi anywhere.

That was when an arm harshly grabbed my body and dragged me away. There were two men holding me and dragged me out of the hospital. I tried stepping on their foot and tried so hard to release their firm grip, yet there were two of them and I couldn't help but get dragged away by those two masked strangers.

I yelled Yoongi's name over and over, yet no one was there to help me. A hand from my right side clasped my mouth and I couldn't scream. My voice came out unclear and I'm sure no one would've heard me. A skillful hand tied a blindfold over my eyes and everything was dark, I felt being shoved into a seat and my hands being tied behind my back.

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