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"Yah! Don't you know what time is it currently?" my voice annoyedly yelled onto my phone with the other hand of mine rubbing my tired eyes. Whilst the person on the other edge of the line was blabbering nonstop when my watch clearly stated it was 2 am.

"I CAN'T DRIVE MYSELF TO DREAMLAND Y/N, I TOLD YOU TWICE ALREADY THIS MINUTE, HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD I REPEAT THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN?" Wonyoung's yelling voice made me flinch and dragged my phone farther from my ear. I deeply sighed, trying so hard to keep my eyeballs visible.

"So what do you want me to do? Deal with your bullshits until you're sleepy?" I lazily talked back using my not so calm and raspy voice, laying my back until it made contact with my bed once again.

"Can I come over? I heard your dad's away" Wonyoung excitedly asked.

"What the hell? It's 2 A.M, who would want to drop you off here?" I shook my head out of disbelief.

"I got my own ways on doing things y/n" with that, she hung up. I muttered to myself about how dumb she is, and dozed off almost immediately, my phone still between my fingers and palm, resting beside my right ear.

My peaceful sleep was once again interrupted by a ray of shining light and someone jumping onto my bed. My eyelids felt so heavy but I had no choice but to open it, and saw Wonyoung's face up close. I freaked out and pushed her away. My action causes her to bump her head onto my headboard.

"wake up you lazy sloth, I'm here and I won't accept your disrespect like this. I went through a lot of hardships to arrive here safely" she said dramatically, shaking my body rapidly. I ended up being pulled down from my own bed at 3 A.M by a stupid freak.

"I didn't even asked you to come here dummy, I would've been more thankful if you didn't come" I rolled my eyes. She pouted and hit my arms teasingly.

"What the hell did I just witness? Did you just pout in front of my eyes? Can you help and fix this pair of miserable eyes?" 

"Shut up or I'll kick you"

"I would like to see you try" I chuckled with both of my eyes shut close. I heard her grunt and her sounds of footsteps dissolving away.

Wonyoung walked up to my desk and took my laptop, she also took some snacks from downstairs and sat beside me. She took everything so calmly which made her looked like she was the owner of my house. I can't help but shake my head over her act.

"Don't you realize that you aren't in your own damn house? Plus, it's 3 am lunatic" I rolled my eyes and made my way back to my beloved bed.

"Nope! And I really do hope you remember what I told you the other day, I'm treating this house like I'm the owner." she declared.

"Let's watch a movie," she said while turning on my laptop, easily inserting the password which I never even mentioned it to her. She's such a stalker. "But first of all, tell me everything about your date with Yoongi" she excitedly clapped her hands like a five-year-old girl.

"First of all, it wasn't a date. Second of all, I ain't telling you anything and we ain't going to watch a movie since I'm going to sleep right now" I grunted and laid down. I heard Wonyoung's deep sigh. I smiled at myself when I thought she's going to sleep, but I was definitely wrong. She pulled me back up and forced me to tell her everything.

Everything ended as she wanted this morning to be, I recalled everything I did with Yoongi last night. It was so detailed I even included that time where I locked Yoongi in my own room. Thirty minutes of me spilling teas were the amount of time I needed to satisfy this girl. Once satisfied, she shamelessly hopped over to my bed, shoving me a bit to the right side.

Opened Netflix, and the both of us were deeply taken away by Hwarang. 

Another episode ended, and I took a quick glance at my watch. My head came back to examine my watch as soon as my eyes left the sight of it. It was 8 in the morning.

I stared at my reflection for just a split second, and I completely freaked out since dark circles were smeared on my eyes, I looked so tired, I swear I couldn't spot any difference between me and a zombie on movies.

"Okay, seriously Wonyoung, please step out of this house because I need some rest! LOOK AT MY EYES, YOONGI'S COMING HERE AT 4" I protested and Wonyoung finally made her way out of my house. I quickly plumped myself to bed and let my tired eyes get some rest it deserved.

"Hey" Yoongi greeted behind the door frame. Similar to yesterday, he wore a cap and a mask to cover his identity. My right leg took a small movement to the side yet it was interrupted by Yoongi's soft tug at my left wrist. I stumbled to my left side, but I was fast to regain back my balance when his arms encircled my whole body, pulling my small body towards his warm embrace.

I didn't bring any of my arms upwards to hug him back, it was dangling in thin air. Even without me hugging back, his warmth managed to rummage through my whole body. I unconsciously snuggled my head deeper into his warm chest.

He let himself in after his arms lost contact with my back and walked towards the sofa. I stared at him and smiled at every small movement he made, even when my warmth from his body was slowly disappearing. My eyes were fast to catch a glimpse of some fried chickens he brought in a clear white plastic bag dangling from his wrists, so I quickly sprinted my way closer to him.

"You brought fried chickens?" I questioned even when I clearly knew he did.

"Yep! Here, eat up! I'll play the movie" he handed me the plastic bag full of chickens and a bottle of soju. He then marched away to take the remote control and selected the Netflix icon displayed on the screen of my TV.

"Are you okay with watching horror movies?" Yoongi asked me, thumb still pressing the same button over and over to find a movie.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I lied. Truth is, I despised that one and only genre since I was practically a baby.

"Really? You seemed terrified" Yoongi teased me and I hit him playfully. He smiled and picked a horror movie.

I tried my best to not shriek whenever a ghost appeared on the screen but of course, I did shriek for a few times, earning a soft giggle from this boy beside me. He seemed to be enjoying this movie so much, unlike me who cowardly wanted to just run away and hide in my room.

yoongi's pov

I regretted having this movie on play right after I heard her first whimper.

Because no matter how hard she tried to hide the fact that she was scared, she got a scared expression plastered on her face.

But then I got carried away by the movie, I didn't notice that y/n was sleeping uncomfortably beside me. Her head was hanging onto nothing, swaying back and forth. I slowly brought her head to my shoulders, letting her rest her head comfortably. I didn't know why I looked at her every minute and smiled at myself.

I was also about to sleep when I heard a loud thump behind me. I glanced back and saw 2 people behind us, which I suspect was y/n's parents.

"Y/N! WHO'S THIS GUY OVER HERE?" y/n's dad shouted furiously. His eyeballs ready to pop out at any moment. y/n jumped up from the sofa, turning pale. She looked like she was trying to say something, but didn't have the guts to say it.

"Yoongi, please go" y/n nudged my hand and I nodded after examining the situation, feeling her heartbeat beating rapidly inside me.

will she be okay?

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