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My hair was an absolute mess so I decided to take a long shower and washed my hair. My mind kept thinking about Taewoon, but I thought I will ask him later. I hair dried my hair when a loud stomp was heard outside my room door. I switched off my hairdryer and walked with halting steps. Before I could the door, it was burst open by Taewoon.

My eyes met his, and it was completely different than the other times. His eyes were full of anger.

"Who is it?" He growled, stepping a huge step forwards towards me. I was terrified since he never acted this way towards me before and I stepped backward with tiny steps every second.

"What do you mean?" I tried to steady my voice but it came out quivering

"It's Yoongi Hyung isn't it?" 

"What about Yoongi?"

"Your soulmate. You made it too visible on the camera to make me see that both of them aren't skin-colored anymore. You've also been acting weird lately, you didn't even freak out when Yoongi Hyung released a new song with who knows who. But it's your voice after all isn't it?" he snarled at me. I kept silent the whole time and my mind wasn't able to string some words together, so I kept staring at him, saying nothing.

"Don't even try to lie to me again y/n. I know everything I said earlier was all true, right?" 

"Y-yeah" I whispered under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear me. I heard him scoff and backed away from me.

"You're going with me to Japan for two weeks" he stated.

"What? 2 weeks is such a long time. What will happen to Yoongi then" I immediately responded.

"I don't care. Come with me or else I won't hesitate to do anything to my brother" Taewoon growled, and left me dumbfounded in my own room.

This is literally the 10th time I called Yoongi, and he still didn't pick up yet. I needed some explanation, but I didn't dare to contact Taewoon in this case.

I let out a frustrated sigh and threw my phone onto my bed, my body also was thrown to my bed afterward.

Now that both of them know the truth, what should I do? I know that in the end, I'm the one who's gonna choose, but I don't think I'm capable of doing that. Yoongi or Taewoon? I really have no idea.

And what did Taewoon meant when he said that he won't hesitate to do anything to his brother?

My mind couldn't bear with this much pressure I'm in. I grunted and messed my own hair in frustration. My bed suddenly vibrates and I felt the source of it was from my cracked phone buried deep inside my crumpled bedsheets.

"Hello?" I spoke up, not knowing who was in the other line of the call because I didn't bother to take a glance at my screen before answering the call.

"What's wrong y/n? I felt that you were terrified a few moments ago, and I saw lots of missed calls from you. Are you okay?" Yoongi's concerned voice was heard from my phone's speaker.

"Yea, I'm fine. But can we meet up?" I asked straightforwardly.

"Sure. When?"

"It's up to you, I'm free anytime since I literally got nothing to do besides laze around inside my room" I forced out a giggle.

"I'm in the middle of dance practice right now, I'll come as soon as I finish practice"

"okay" I agreed and I heard our call being disconnected in an instant. I felt bad for spamming calls when he was in the middle of practice. My phone chimed for the second time, and I opened a text from Yoongi.

Yoongi: Hey, don't feel bad for spamming me texts and calls, It's completely fine. You can text me or call me anytime you want, even though I might not be able to pick up, I'll call you as soon as I can :)

A smile drastically crept up my face as I answered an "okay". He made me feel somewhat special.

I heard a soft knock coming from downstairs and I assumed it was Yoongi. With large steps, I arrived on the doorstep in no time and opened my front door. Instead of letting Yoongi in, I pulled his body into mine and my arms encircle his waist.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let me stay in this position for a while" I inhaled his scent as I tightened my grip on him. I felt his right hand circling my back, meanwhile the other was caressing my head.

I don't know how long we were in that position, neither do I care. We made our way to my living room and both of us plopped down on our sofa.

"He knows" I informed after a pretty long silence. Yoongi turned his head to me.


"Yeah" I confirmed. "He said something that haunted my mind though"

"What is it?" he said, confused.

"He said that you're his brother?" I frowned, and I heard Yoongi cursing under his breath.

"I guess you deserve to hear the truth y/n" he deeply exhaled. "He's saying the truth, I'm his brother but no one knows except our own family. We've never been... good to each other, he ran away when he was 13 and he never came back home. Found himself a new family, and the next thing I know, I was working in the same company as that brat" he buried his face in his hands. I was way too shocked to say anything at that moment so I stayed silent and stared at Yoongi's figure.

His phone buzzed and I took a glimpse of his phone, his manager was calling him. He answered the call and said an "okay", the phone call ended as fast as it started.

"I got to go now y/n" he looked at me. "I'll come again tomorrow I promise" with that, he walked out of my house without even taking a slight glance back at me.

a/n: I've never cringed so much by writing a chapter oh my god.

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