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The countless amount of time I asked her what had happened didn't fill me up with answers. I forced her to calm down, but I eventually figured out that all the talking I did for the last 10 minutes were a hundred percent useless as her sobs were all I could hear. Pressing the red end button in the end, I supported myself to stand up and made my hand do all the work to pack up the foods and arranged it inside the basket.

"What's wrong?" Taewoon questioned me with a confused expression visible. Yet his confused feelings didn't stop him from helping me tidy everything up.

"I don't know what's troubling Wonyoung, but she never cried this much. Can you drop me off at her place? And we can enjoy this picnic another time" I said those words rapidly. Even dumbfounded, Taewoon gave me a tight nod.

Each of us had one basket on our arms, carrying it to be fitted inside the car.

I quickly fastened my seat belt so he could quickly drive off. I kept thinking about a few problems that may or may not have happened to Wonyoung, yet none of them seems to trouble her enough.

I shoved the door open even before the car completely stopped, earning a shocked face from Taewoon. I muttered a thank you and sorry towards him and charged off into Wonyoung's house.

Her mom was the first person I encountered that day in her house. Her tense expression softened when she noticed that I was the one who came. She gave me a warm welcome and asked me a favor to help her find out what Wonyoung has been hiding from her mom. Her mom also provided me with a piece of surprising information that she has been crying inside her room for 2 hours or so.

My legs were long enough to skip a few stairs on my way up to her room. I pushed her door handle down and forward but it didn't budge, it gave me the conclusion that she locked herself in her room. I clenched my fist to knock softly on her door, my ears catching a few heard sniffles from inside.

"Go away mom, I'm okay" she half shouted at me.

"Sure kid" I teasingly answered. A few small seconds after my voice came out, I heard footsteps closer towards the door. She opened her door and revealed her figure. Her eyes were seemingly red and puffy. To be honest, it kind of hurts seeing her this way.

I gently dragged her towards her bed and we both sat side by side. I kept staring at her sobbing figure, not knowing what to do. My awkward self was never good at trying to comfort others.

"So...you wanna talk to me about what happened?" I finally made up my mind to say a word to her. She slowly nodded and started to speak an alien language.

"You know what, you should calm down before you start spilling your tea because i don't understand your crying alien language" I jokingly said. I returned downstairs and took a glass of water to hand it to her.

A couple of minutes after I started to rub her shoulders to soothe her down, she managed to stop her tears from flowing out. 

"I-i never told y-you this before, b-but my heart is disappearing-" my body went rigid just a second after she started talking.


"Not that i-internal organ dummy, this h-heart that was supposed to be right here" she pointed out her collarbone, which has no heart left on it. I gasped and gave her an apologetic expression.

"It was slowly disappearing since last week, at first i thought that something was wrong with my e-eyes, but as days passed, my heart keeps fading. I went to talk to m-my Doctor, she said that there were some people going through the same incident as mine. Once the heart fully disappear, that means I w-won't have any soulmate" she said, choking on the last sentence.

"You'll never get a chance to marry someone then?" I asked hesitantly.

"If i find someone going through the same incident as mine, I can still date and marry him. But bad news, there's only 5% of possibility that it'll happen. So I think I'll never find someone for sure" she informed, as tears slowly formed in her eyes.

"You know what, let it all out. Don't hold back your tears" i said and pulled her into a hug. She sobbed on my shoulders, and i kept telling her that she'll definitely find someone.

"Okay, enough with the crying. I'll treat you your favourite boba drink and let's eat tteokbokki" I nudged her with my elbow. Her eyes lit up in an instant by hearing my offer.

"You're literally the best" a smile was easily flashed at me from the mention of food and dashed off to her bathroom. I chuckled at myself by how her mood can drastically change just by mentioning foods.

It feels that i have been waiting for a century, but she's still locked up in her bathroom.

"YAH! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?" I shouted, banging my fist harshly on her door, leaving red marks on my own skin.

"I'm applying make up dummy, I'm almost ready tho" she shouted back, 100 times louder than my voice that the neighbours could probably hear her.

A couple of minutes after, she finally stepped out of that shitty bathroom and both of us dashed out of her house. We worked our lazy legs to walk towards her favourite cafe near her house.

My wallet will definitely be empty after my little trip with this ungrateful bitch.

Wonyoung literally bought everything that was sold in the cafe. I frantically shook my head when she rambles her order, but decided to just pay afterwards.

We spent approximately 3 hours in the cafe, talking about random things. I'm glad that she was back to her normal state. Being a chaotic girl she is.

Then my phone ringed, indicating a phone call was received by none other than Yoongi.



a/n : pleasee don't be a silent readerr😌

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