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My index finger lowered the hem of my shirt at a slow pace, exposing my two tiny, colored hearts plastered on my collarbone. I knew that he didn't recognize it in the first place since he was wrinkling his eyebrows, flicking his glance back and forth from my collarbone and my eyes.

Once he understands what I was trying to notify him, his expression rapidly switched into a shocked face. His eyes stared at my collarbone for such a long time, with both of us saying nothing, freezing like a statue.

I didn't feel the need to say anything either.

"How?" Yoongi turned to face me. I begin brainstorming to find an understandable reason, but I never succeeded in lying and I always made horrible excuses. So instead of lying, I sighed deeply and begin to tell him the truth.

"I was born with two-" My phone beeping interrupted me. I gave a small glance at Yoongi before checking a message that belongs to Taewoon. My eyes grew large and I started panicking both internally and externally. I frantically jumped out of my sofa and without thinking, I dragged Yoongi to my room. Yoongi kept silent but his face was priceless.

"Please stay inside my closet for a while and I beg you to not make any noise. I promise I'll tell you everything right after I handle this situation" I rattled and left my room quickly, slamming the door behind me. I raced myself to the front door, concealing Yoongi's shoes, mask, and cap. I got rid of Yoongi's cup of glass that was sitting on my desk. The timing was perfect, my doorbell rings when I got rid of all shreds of evidence to prove that Yoongi's here.

I tried to calm my panicking self as I walked towards the door and unlocked the door, allowing Taewoon to come inside. He didn't remove his shoes before stepping in and immediately leaned in for an affectionate hug. My arms circled around his waist while inhaling his sweet scent, feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"Are you okay?" I asked him because of his sudden embrace. He held me tighter and nodded onto my shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I miss you though" he unclearly spoke. I smiled even though I knew he won't be able to see me in that position. "I won't be staying for a long time here, I just wanted to tell you something," he said while releasing our hug.

"You could've just called me," I said, raising an eyebrow. "or text me"

"Well, I also wanted to see you," he said, smiling. "By the way, I'm flying to Japan next month, the company told me to tag you along with us since it's a two weeks trip, are you okay with that?" he asked me. A word of agreement was just inches away to slip out from my mouth yet it was forced back when I remembered the guy who was hiding inside my closet at that exact moment.

"I'll ask for my mom's permission" I smiled at him.

Wow, I lied pretty smoothly.

He nodded his head and leaned in, once again, holding me tightly. A few seconds after, he released me and made his way out of my house, waving at me. Once I saw him drive away until my eyes couldn't see the back of his car, I quickly slammed the door and ran towards my room. I turned the door handle aggressively and found Yoongi standing right where I left him with a blank expression.

"Sorry about that" I awkwardly apologized "Let's talk outside," I added and led the way back to my living room. I secretly scolded myself for locking him inside my room without explanation. I shook my head aggresively when the scene where I slammed the door at him replayed in my mind.

"You okay?" he concernedly asked.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine" I replied, sitting down on my sofa. He followed my action afterwards.

We sat side by side and I begin explaining everything to Yoongi. He kept silent when I talked, which made it easier to tell him everything.

"So what are you going to do?" He asked right after I finished explaining everything. I could tell he was confused as well.

"I honestly don't know what to do" I sighed, looking down.

"It's okay y/n... take your time," He said and squeezed my hand. I found a little bit of comfort with what he did. He checked his watch and stood up. "I've got to go now y/n. Perhaps I'll come back tomorrow?" He offered.

"That'll be great! But aren't you busy working?" I worriedly asked

"It's okay, I'll talk with my manager tomorrow. I'm sure he'll understand." He smiled at me and walked towards the front door. His eyes darted back and forth, scanning my front door area,

"What are you searching for?" I asked out of curiosity.

"My cap, mask, and shoes. I'm a hundred percent sure that left it here when I arrived. Where did it go?" His voice faded along as he continued searching and scratched the back of his neck. Then I realized that I hide it a few moments ago, so I made a sudden move which startled Yoongi.

I handed him his belongings after I took it back from my secret compartment on one of the tiles below. He slipped his mask on both of his ears quickly and lowered his cap in order to hide his eyes underneath. He lastly slipped both of his feet into his shoes.

I was about to close the door when he suddenly grabbed my right hand and pulled me into his arms. It felt different. He was warm, he made me feel safe in his arms. It didn't last long and Yoongi pulled away and waved his hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow y/n" He shouted as he continued walking towards his car. I waved back and nodded lightly.

Yoongi? This is weird since I just met you yesterday, but why am I so comfortable around you?

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