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"OH MY GOD Y/N! WHAT WAS THAT?" Wonyoung literally shouted onto my ears as she jumped onto my bed, being a crazy girl she is. Her kneeling on my bedsheet until it's crumpled is making me have the will to kick her off my bed.

"what was what" I slapped her hand away from my sight, causing Wonyoung to dramatically fall deeper onto my bed with a loud echo of her grunt, being a loud ass, drama queen.

"IT'S J-HOPE, Y/N! J-HOPE" she shrieked and her filthy hands met the hem of my shirt, shaking it rapidly. She shook my body way too hard until I lose my balance and almost fell out of my bed.


She finally calmed down and released the hem of my shirt, trying to smooth it down to its original state, but some visible wrinkles still exist.

"So, what happened after I made an exit from that cafe dummy?" I teased, wriggling my eyebrows, and made an awfully playful smirk. She hit me thrice,

"Nothing happens, we just," she stopped talking for a while, and added, "talked".

"Yeah yeah, you guys talked, and then what?" I annoyedly plumped my head onto my white fluffy pillow.

"Then both of us parted our ways and went home" she said. "after we made our next plan on meeting three days from today" she, once again, added after her awkward silence.

"Hm... I might have smell something fishy over here" I laughed, hugging my bolster tightly in front of my chest.

"oh shut up y/n"

"So, you're done with ignoring me right now?" I teased, just to earn a shitty hard slap on my back.

"I wasn't ignoring you yesterday. Someone hacked my phone" Wonyoung gave such a bad reason. I rolled my eyes and left her alone in my room.

"What are you doing so early in the morning here oh my god," I said, hands glued on my face considering that it was puffy since I just woke up from my long, deep sleep.

"I need you to help me with something" Yoongi said. "Can you probably change your clothes so we can get going, huh?" he gently placed his hands around my shoulders, causing my face to blush deeply, and I was thankful I had my hands covering my face the whole time.

"O-okay" I stuttered and released myself from his embrace, running back upstairs. I silently freaked out in my room, trying so hard not to make too much noise.

I eventually realized I put too much time on freak out, so I quickly put on some comfortable oversizes clothes along with a short and applied some light makeup. After observing myself for the last time in front of the mirror, I nod at myself and ran back downstairs.

"Ok, let's go" I placed both of my hands on his shoulders while he wasn't facing me. He flinched and exhaled deeply, and I loudly giggle by the sight of his surprised expression. If only I had a camera on and captured his expression, I would print it out on a large scale and hang it on my room wall so everyone could see that picture and tease him endlessly about it.

Sorry, that was a wicked idea of mine.

He grabbed my hands and both of us walked out of my house. This time, our walk wasn't rushed like we used to, so I could actually feel his hands on mine. His touch was gentle, and his hand was so soft. His thumb runs over the back of my palm, causing me to deeply blush for the second time today. 

"Please get in slowly, ms.Y/n," Yoongi said while his hands begin to pull his car door open, starting a drama scene. I never thought of Yoongi to suddenly start a little drama shits, but he did.

"Thank you sir" I played along and slowly went in, as he ordered. Once I was fully inside his car, he shut the door from the outside then sprinted off to the other side of the car and took his seat.

"Where are we going today Ms.Y/n?" he continued acting while buckling his seatbelt on

"I don't know" I honestly answered.

"Ok, I'll drive you to I don't know" 

I laughed, "Seriously though, where are we going?" I asked out of curiosity just when Yoongi stepped on the gas pedal. 

"I don't know" 

I placed my left hand on my head while the other gave the man sitting beside me a gentle smack.


"Once again, I'm asking. Are you taking me to Bighit?" I asked for the fifth time this morning, until I, myself was bored by asking the same question which he never answered.

"Oh god y/n, your curiosity level is on the next level and yes, we're going to bighit" Yoongi explained as he stepped on the break pedal when the traffic light ahead of us turned red.


"See, you're asking another question" he was clearly annoyed at this state, but it just made me more determined to annoy him than I was in the first plcae.

"good to know" I replied.

"Just wait until we arrive then I'll explain everything"

And he was asking me to sing for his new mixtape.

"WHAT?" I responded, my voice came out really loud, I was even surprised by my own voice that I produced.

"Don't shout, there's a lot of people outside. And yes, I heard you sing the other day and your voice really matched with what I was searching for this whole entire time."

"But why me? I mean, my voice sounds like a dying bird" I laughed at my own sentence.

"no it doesn't. I like your voice, it's soothing" he said, looking away from me. He sat down on his chair and pulled out a pile of papers, and searched for something. He made an 'ah' sound and handed me a piece of paper from the stack.

I examined the paper and it seemed like a song lyrics, I read through all of it. Just like Bangtan's previous songs, the lyrics are deep. It made me like the song before I even heard the music.

Yoongi seemed rather busy with his computer when I finished examining the lyrics. He clicked his keyboard for the final time, giving out a loud click and a song came out from the speaker.

To be honest, I didn't think the song would be like this, but I loved the song immediately after he played it. Even without vocals, the song was really enjoyable.

"So, what's the title of this song? You didn't wrote it in this paper" I said, waving the paper he gave me earlier.


a/n: Oops, sorry IU

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