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The day I've been waiting for finally came.

I was in a car with Wonyoung and her mom behind the wheels. Won young never stopped talking, or precisely, screaming all the way from her house, I'm pretty sure her squeaky voice will keep ringing on my head until a few days ahead.

"CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS Y/N? WE'RE GOING TO COME FACE TO FACE WITH THE ONE AND ONLY BTS!" Won young yelled the same thing over and over again, making my eardrum yelp in pain.  

"You aren't going to be able to say a word to them if you keep screaming to me like this. Calm your shits down. Don't you dare scream that way when we arrive or else I'll leave you without a word" I warned her, keeping my voice as low as possible since I didn't want her mom to hear me swear to her loud ass daughter.

"Ok, fine. I'll shut up! My throat hurts to be honest" she confessed while pointing at her throat, leaning towards me. I rolled my eyes and shoved her away from my sight.

"stupid little shit" I muttered to myself, grabbing my AirPods, shoving them deep into my ears.


We arrived a few minutes after Won young surprisingly shut her mouth entirely, causing the rest of the journey way more peaceful. Her mom nimbly parked her car. The car hasn't even stopped completely when Won young opened the car door and hopped out of it, causing her mom to yell at her afterward. I felt a little sorry for her being scolded in public, but part of me thinks it was hilarious.

We took huge steps towards the venue. The closer we get to the venue, the louder voice came from Won young's freaky mouth. I snapped a few times at her for being too loud, but she didn't budge, which made her receive a small smack from me at the end.

We took our seats in the second row as soon as we reached the venue. The space between me and the table where bts is going to place their ass down was so small. Won young forced me to take a selfie with her in front of a bunch of people who gazed at us with some kind of disgusted look smeared on their faces.

"Don't go yet y/n. Get your ass back here instantly or I'll easily leave you here to rot, plus I wouldn't bother to come back here for your pathetic self " Won young threatened me when I was about to run away from her shitty and embarrassing activities. With no choices left, I dragged lazy legs towards Won young, took a million freaking selfies, with Won young flexing weird poses. I've had enough of her stupidity and marched back to my seat, feeling embarrassed.

As I rested myself on the seat, I felt...weird

The feeling reminded me of something special. It's the euphoria feeling when I first met Taewoon, I remembered it so clearly and my hands started to shake since I never experienced this kind of feeling besides that special day. For the first time today, I raised my voice to call Won young. She freaking ignored me on purpose, I cursed under my breath and rushed to her side, flicked her head, and dragged her along with me back to the seat.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, I LET YOU SIT AND WHY ARE YOU DRAGGING ME HERE. DIDN'T YOU SEE I WAS TAKING A SELF-" she yelled on top of her lungs, causing my palms to launch at her mouth to silence her. I muttered a few 'sorry' to a bunch of people sitting around us.

"I freaking beg you to remember we're NOT at our house, so please calm down and stop yelling. Hear me out, I feel weird" I spilled the tea.

"Stop speaking nonsense, you're just nervous" she easily replied and almost ran away, but I grabbed her skinny hand and pulled her down, making her wince in pain because she slammed her butt on the chair

"Be serious for once Won young" I stared at her, talking with a serious tone

"Fine, fine... What's wrong?" she finally calms down her shits and became serious in a split second. 

"I felt the same feeling when I first met Taewoon, I'm afraid my other soulmate's here. I don't want to meet him yet, or ever" I sighed.

"omg really? Shouldn't we search for him?" Won young suggested the most stupid idea I've ever heard in my whole entire life.


"so what do you want me to do?" she asked seriously

"please check on my collarbone continuously, tell me if it turns pink," I asked her a favor.

"Yah! Do you think I'm your personal assistant or something? Check it yourself you lazy sloth" she refused to help me, rolling her eyes as she said that.

"Do you even think that it's a little bit hard to see our own collarbone? especially when the heart is freaking tiny? Dumbass... I feel sorry for you being so dumb" I rolled my eyes back at her

"FINE, I'LL CHECK ON IT" she snapped and took out her phone, scrolling through twitter. I sighed and shook my head. A few minutes after, the feelings had faded a little, which made me kind of relieved.

The venue started to get packed, the people who came in after us seems to be endless. Once the venue is full, with no single seat left, the fan sign event finally begins.

The bangtan members appeared on stage, earning loud cheers from the crowd. I laid my eyes on Taehyung and my eyes are glued to him. I observed every little thing he did. 

how can someone be this perfect? Is he even real?

And so the fan sign started, we queued in a line, where Won young, behind me, keeps pinching my arms every 5 seconds, I was so frustrated, I sent her a hard kick on her butt, making her winced in pain, I ignored her unstoppable whines.

I started feeling uncomfortable once again when the feelings suddenly rummaged through my body. Strangely, the feeling became stronger when I took a step forward, closer to the boys. I started feeling uneasy and I was thinking about weird things. I shook my head, focusing back on the boys who are currently interacting with other armys.  

My turn finally came, I was facing my bias, Kim Taehyung. He gave a big smile at me and started a conversation. I kept stuttering, I bet my face was as red as a tomato. I was internally dying when his fingers brushed against my hands. Eventually, my turn has ended, I slowly moved to the right side, facing the eldest.

At this rate, I can't focus on the members because the feelings were becoming stronger every second. Two more members left, I've got to finish this fast.

Lastly, I faced Yoongi. My eyes were on my album when I shifted to the front of him. I glanced up, and I felt like my breath stopped. The strong, unbreakable feeling I deeply felt was exactly similar to what I feel that day at the cafe. There's only one way I can make this clear. My eyes slowly darted to his collarbone, just to see his heart color unhurriedly changing into pink.

"Y/N! YOUR HEART'S CHANGING COLOR! IT'S CURRENTLY PINK" Won young exclaimed, right at the moment when Yoongi's heart was entirely pink.

no, this can't be right, 

damn it.

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