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I stayed by his side for two days. The members begged me to go home and take some rest, but I insisted to stay. I felt really guilty for leaving him even though it wasn't my fault. 

My eyes felt heavy and I finally let myself drift off to my much-needed sleep on the couch beside his bed.

"y/n?" I heard a low, raspy voice calling my name from a short distance. I lazily opened my eyelids and saw Yoongi, awake. With no more seconds to lose, I jumped out of the sofa and went to his side.

"Yeah, I'm here. I'm so so sorry to leave you unannounced like that I had no choice but to go with him"

"Taewoon?" he asked, and I gave him a nod. "Help me sit y/n" he added after a few awkward seconds.

"What? No. Just lay down Yoongs, you literally just woke up" I frowned.

"I'm healthy enough to sit y/n" he grunted while pulling himself up, I had no choice but to help him sit down. I supported him by placing my right hand on his back until he was fully seated. I was about to remove my hand from his back, and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly.

I've missed this 

And this time, instead of leaving my arms dangling in thin air, I brought my arms and encircled it around his waist, nuzzling my head closer to the crook of his neck. I felt so safe and comfortable. A few seconds afterward, I pulled myself out of his grip just to be pulled back into his arms. My heartbeat was beating like crazy and I smiled at myself.

"Ahem" I heard someone faked a cough, which made me release our hug at a fast speed. The whole members were there and witnessed the whole scene, making my face feel hotter every second.

"Shouldn't have interrupted these lovebirds" Jin teased, while the others nodded, approving what Jin had said.

"You good?" Jin walked up to Yoongi, which he only responded with a nod.

"Hyung! You should ask y/n to go back home! She's been staying here for two days!"  Jimin exclaimed. I widened my eyes at Jimin, indicating that he shouldn't have given that information to Yoongi. Yoongi shifted his eyes from Jimin to stare at me.

"You should go back home y/n," Yoongi told me.


"No buts, I'll visit you as soon as I'm free from this room"

I thought of my mom, "Okay then, I'll get going guys" I said to everyone in the room and waved them goodbye.

But then that was the time I noticed that Hoseok wasn't there.


"HOBI!" I ran towards a bench in the hospital's garden where Hoseok was sitting, his head hanging low. He glanced at me and a small smile appeared. But I could sense that he was in a gloomy mood.

"Something's wrong? If you wanted someone to hear you out, I'm all ears" I comforted him.


He exhaled deeply, "Yeah, I got a childhood friend. He's been there for me anytime I needed him, even in my hardest times, he was the one who encourages me that everything will eventually be alright" he stopped abruptly for a few seconds, and added, "and today I got a phone call from his mom that he died today due to a car crash" his voice cracked on the last sentence.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I muttered and placed my hand on his shoulder. "You can cry if you want to you know. There's no point in holding it back"

"I know" he simply said, his tears finally poured from his eyes. My heart literally broke seeing him crying in front of me again for the second time.

"I tried to talk to Wonyoung about this and she didn't hear me out, she kept babbling about her own funny stories" Hobi laughed. "Thanks for being here though y/n," he said between his quiet sobs. I placed my arms around his shoulders and tapped his shoulder to calm him down, while murmuring some encouraging words, hoping it would make him feel a lot better.

"YAH!" I suddenly heard Wonyoung's scream from our right side, both of us stood up and walked towards an angry Wonyoung.

"What are you guys doing?" her voice trembling.

"I was just trying to make him feel better since his best friend died, he's my friend after all-" I didn't get to finish my explanation when a harsh slap was received across my face. 

what the hell?

She gave me a final glare, and she left.

"Oh my god what was that?" Hoseok hummed, staring Wonyoung's figure that was slowly drifting away. He pointes at Wonyoung, and blabbered some unidentified words, his voice fading away after a couple of seconds.

"I honestly don't know what was that" I shook my head and started to come back to my sense.

"Is she always like that?" Hobi asked.

"Definitely no, she never did that to me even once" I admitted. "I should go back home now" I waved a goodbye at him and walked away.

Now, where's that ungrateful skinny bitch.

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