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I sat down near the window, examining the street lights visible from my room. My mind darted here and there, full of unwanted scenarios.

I called Wonyoung after I made a short phone call to my mom and explained everything to both of them. Both of their voices kept ringing inside my head even after I finished talking to both of them half an hour ago because they literally got the same reaction and kept yelling onto the phone nonstop when I called them.

I made my last phone call to J-hope, who sent me a few messages every day asking about my whereabouts and updating every small thing about Yoongi. And he also said that the other members were worried.

I ended my call with Hobi in the middle of the night, I felt better after my phone calls with them, but still, there's that one person who stayed in my mind,


"When are we going back? You said it'll be a two weeks trip so apparently we're supposed to go back tomorrow" I hissed, not caring that the other members were also in the same table as I am with Taewoon.

"We delayed our flight, we'll be coming back in 5 days" he calmly answered.

"WHAT?" I angrily shouted.

"Yah, y/n! Don't you like it here in Japan?" Kai asked, pointing at the view of streetlights from the balcony.

"Of course I like it here, it's just..." my voice trailed off.


"I miss Korea that's all" and again, I lied.

"5 more days and we'll go back," Kai said. I hummed in response and nodded my head a few times. I grabbed my phone and opened my Instagram, my eyes widened since all of the posts are about Yoongi, terminally ill in Asan Hospital.

I stood up and raced my feet to my room, calling my mom as my hand reached my room door. I locked my door from the inside since Taewoon also got a key to my room.

"Hello?" her voice was heard unclearly from my phone.

"Hey mom"

"What's wrong?"

"Can you um... lend me some money to buy something?" I hesitantly asked.

"What do you wanna buy?"

"plane tickets" my voice steadily answered.

I woke up extra early the next morning, packed everything up, and took a taxi to the airport. I didn't tell anyone that I'll be leaving, especially Taewoon. I didn't even text him, nor leaving him a note about my departure.

I arrived at the airport after a few minutes' drive since it was not too distant from the hotel I was staying in.

I haven't eaten my breakfast yet when I arrived, so I bought myself a hot chocolate and a chocolate muffin while waiting for my departure time to come.

Taewoon has been calling me a few times when I was enjoying my so-called breakfast, but I chose to ignore his calls and texts by turning off my phone. But after I left a message to J-hope, explaining that I'll be arriving at Korea in a few hours.

Soon enough, I was lining up in a queue to board the plane. I boarded the plane without any hesitation, searching for my seat and tried to find a comfortable position, yet failed since those plane seats are never comfortable.

The ride was extremely boring as hell. There aren't any good movies on board and my phone had nothing to entertain me. I ended up reading a book I've read twice a few months ago.

My eyes got heavy, and I almost fell asleep, but it was disturbed in 0.01 seconds by the announcement that we will be landing soon.

I grunted and shifted in my seat, feeling sleepy yet I forced myself to stay awake since I'll be landing in a few minutes.

I peacefully inhaled the Seoul air and made my way to find a vehicle to bring me straight to the hospital Yoongi was in. A hand suddenly wrapped around my wrist, not too tight, yet I still can't force my wrist to lose between those hands.

His grip tightened and he dragged me towards an unknown corridor, I was sure there was no one around us at that time. I was about to scream when he opened his mask, revealing his face who appeared to be Hoseok.

"Yah! Calm down will you?" he hissed.

"You should've said it was you oh my god I was panicking"

"Yeah yeah sorry about that. But since you're here now,  should we go see Yoongi?" he asked, and I responded with a nod. He fixed his mask and continued our walk to his car. I saw Wonyoung's shadow from the car windows and my inner noisy girl came out. I hopped inside, Hobi also did.

"I DEFINITELY SMELL SOMETHING RIGHT HERE" I teased the both of them, placing my elbows on either side of their seats. Both of them shared an awkward glance at each other.

"Are you guys dating or something?" I suspiciously asked, lowkey getting so excited if it's true.

"Maybe..?" Hobi hesitantly spilled the tea and looked over to Wonyoung.

"MY SHIP IS SAILING" I excitedly announced and this time, Wonyoung was the one who was annoyed by my actions.

We finally arrived at the hospital after half an hour third-wheeling.

Hobi and Wonyoung led the way towards Yoongi's room, with me following silently behind them. We walked for a few minutes since the hospital was huge and finally reached a door on our right side. Hobi opened the door, and I saw Yoongi laying on the hospital bed, unconscious.

a/n: another absolute trash chapter, forgive me.

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