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So today's the day I've been avoiding so much.

I'll be cutting off my bond with Yoongi.

I tried to be tough when I saw him but it didn't work. My eyes are in tears when I spotted him inside his studio, facing his beloved computer in front of him. I scanned around the room as memories of producing a song with him slowly flooded into my mind.

"Oh you're here" he constantly greeted me when I stepped inside his room without knocking.


both of us stared at each other in silence, neither of us felt the need to open a conversation.

"Can I hug you?" he sounds desperate. I crashed into his arms almost too fast, sending Yoongi to lose his balance and tumble a few steps back before regaining back his balance.

Everything feels all right at that moment, the moment I was in his embrace, inhaling his sweet scent. I buried my face to his chest, heart beating a little bit too fast. The hug was short but sweet and loving, it creates butterflies in my stomach.

I didn't want to let go of him. Not now, not ever.

I wish I could just stay in his arms like this forever, if only I didn't meet that bitch, I would have been living my best life with Yoongi.

"Should we make this quick?" Yoongi ruined the moment.

"I'm not ready to do it yet Yoongs" I sobbed, "can we do this another time?"

"Yah, if you're doing it another time and we obviously can't see each other, both of us will end up sick. It'll make it harder for both of us." Yoongi placed his hands on my shoulders, his thumb rubbing up and down.

I wiped away my tears, "I'll do it tomorrow then, I promise" I said as I locked my gaze with his. He stayed silent for a few seconds and nodded his head.

"Fine, then I'll meet you here tomorrow. Same time" he said and took his jacket and mask, leaving me alone in his studio.

Yoongi's pov

I didn't want to leave her that way, I wanted to hold her for a whole day today since she promised me to cut our bond tomorrow. 

Well, not for the whole day. But forever.

But I know better than to stay with her at this moment. It will make both of us break even more than how broke we are right now. So I'll just stay away from her so she won't feel even more sad to break this bond with me.

Even though, it felt like hell to me too.


y/n's pov

Two hours.

I sat on his studio staring at thin air for two hours straight.

It was somehow peaceful, sitting on his couch, thinking about nothing but him. But once again, that jerk, Taewoon, interrupted my so-called peaceful moment alone with a damn phone call.

"What?" I snapped at him after he called me for approximately 10 times, which I declined every single one before this phone call.

"Why are you declining my phone calls?" 

"Needed some peace since I'm not ready to deal with bullshits" I attacked him, I heard his annoying scoff coming from my phone. Just by the thought of his face when he scoffs made me want to slap him online.

"I'll pretend that I didn't hear that. So, let's go on a small picnic" 

"No" I snarled

"Be ready, I'll arrive at the hospital in 30 minutes" 

"How do you even know I'm staying at a hospital?" I suspiciously asked

"I have my ways," he said and ended the phone call. I messed my own hair and pulled myself up from Yoongi's couch, and made my forced way back to mom's hospital.

Why can't that jerk let me live?

"Don't ignore me or act like this when we arrive there y/n" Taewoon glanced at me while steering his car since I ignored him for half an hour.

"and why would I do that?"

"Because I say so" he snapped. I was so done with him and at lost for words so I went back on staring at the streets we passed by.

"So I heard this so very useful information from someone. Don't ask who. Have you cut off your bond with Yoongi Hyung?" he questioned as I took a bite of a sandwich.

I stayed silent and inhaled,

"Yeah, I did already" I lied.


"Just before you made 10 phone calls to my phone and interrupted my peace" I glared.

"Good" he took a juice and slurped it all, leaving zero drops of it left.

"Let's take a selfie" he requested, pressing on his camera icon on his phone.

"No, I look like trash right now"

"I don't care" he shrugged and raised his left hand upwards, ready to snap a selfie.

good timing and good angle bitch

I get onto my knees and crawled a few steps forward until I reached a few centimeters behind his back. I slipped the soulmate- cutting tool from my pocket and held it tight on my right palm.

I circled my arms around his neck and posed for the selfie with my left hand. I saw his shocked face and I smirked before pressing the tool to his collarbone.

He shrieked in pain, and I let go of him and backed up.

I, myself also felt his pain so I pressed my palm on my collarbone, which was connected to his. I saw his heart slowly fading, so was mine. The pain disappeared almost after the heart was completely gone.

"What the fuck did you do y/n?" his furious eyes scanned me.

"I'm truly sorry to say this," I stopped for a while. "But you fucking deserve this Taewoon".

And this time, it was me who smirked in victory.

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