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Yoongi drove me back home past midnight, my hands fidgeting nonstop by thinking what will happen if my dad was home. I told him to drive off instantly after we arrived at my house, which he didn't agree on in the first place but I managed to reassure him and made him hesitantly drove off, away from my house.

With slow and skeptical steps, I walked towards my front door and inserted a key to the keyhole, trying as hard as I can to make zero noise. I stepped inside and scanned around, clarifying that no one was around at that exact moment, hoping that no one will come out of their room and caught me coming back home this late.

"Yah! Do you know what time it is right now?!" I heard a muffled scream from none other than my mom, who suddenly popped out behind me and pointed an index finger towards her watch on her right wrist. I jumped back out of shock by the sight of my mom.

"Um..12?" I sputtered and looked down, my heartbeat beating uncontrollably, fingers fidgeting behind my back.

"It's a good thing your dad's not home tonight," my mom somnolently said, pointing towards thin air. I felt a rush of relief planted on my body. "What were you even doing y/n?"

"Hung out with plenty of friends"

"Until midnight?" she shrieked "I'll let you go for tonight, but don't even think of repeating this again y/n. You know what will happen if you're unlucky and dad's home" she sighed, pushing me further inside the house.

That was easy

"Thanks, mom" I smiled and left her to my room. I took a long and relaxing shower to wash away my uncomfortable feeling on my body. Once I'm done, I took my laptop and rested my body on my comfortable bed. With perfect timing, Taewoon facetimed me.

"Mind explaining why did you leave me so sudden?" he pouted, which made my heart melts.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to" I murmured "Wonyoung was sobbing on the phone call so I rushed to her"

"Yeah, It's fine y/n" he chuckled as I rested my head on my pillow. "I didn't understand your mood today, one second you're happy, one second you're furious then the next thing I feel is sad"

"Yeah, It's because of Wonyoung honestly" I lied, covering my mouth as I let out a long yawn. My eyes became heavy within seconds, I swear I could sleep after I lay my head down for one short second.

"Looks like someone's tired, get some sleep y/n. Goodnight" he smiled, waving his hand to the camera.

"Okay, goodnight" I smiled, copying his gesture. He cut off our call and I laid my phone on my small table right beside my bed. I finally got to rest myself for a good night sleep.

 I almost fell asleep when I suddenly thought of Wonyoung, making me grunt and took my phone to send her a few messages, hoping she will reply to it tomorrow.

I finished discussing my plan with Yoongi after 10 minutes on a call. It's just a simple plan, but it might be harder for me to convince Wonyoung to come.

I made 10 phone calls to Wonyoung, which she mostly declined. She picked it up one time, just to scold me for being so noisy, that it ruined her sleep. Bullshit, since it's 1 P.M.

I kept spamming her messages and called her a few times, but she kept ignoring me. My patience was running out and I grunt hardly. Frustrated, I sent her my last message,

y/n: I'm literally so done spamming you, so I'll just  hope you'll read my last message. Meet me and my friend tomorrow at xxx cafe at 10. It's all up to you  whether you'll show your head there or not, but someone will be extremely disappointed if you don't show up. And I know you wouldn't want to make him disappointed.

I didn't bother to wait for her reply anymore, so I shut down my phone and started to read a book I've been reading when my dad locked me in this small room.


Yoongi picked me up the next day, with Hobi tagging along in his car. Hoseok's still in a gloomy mood and didn't talk much on the road, keeping his head down, eyes glued on his phone. I could see him playing a game, which I still can't understand after 15 minutes of watching.

"Seriously, just tell me where we're going," Hoseok annoyedly said to Yoongi, his barefooted foot kicking Yoongi's car seat.

"You'll know when we arrive, and stop kicking my car seat unless you want to see me strangle you in this car and crash" Yoongi scowled. "We're almost there, just be patient"

"Fine fine" Hoseok grunted loudly, placing both of his elbows on both of Yoongi and my car seat. Yoongi turned the steering wheel and drove past trough a few short streets and in a short time, we arrived at our destination. 

"I'll go in before you guys, I'll call you if she's here," I told Yoongi as I opened the car door widely and stepped out. Yoongi nodded just before I slammed the door shut.

It only took one step inside the cafe for me to meet Wonyoung, giving a glare at me when I stepped in.

"Be grateful that I came" Wonyoung said and took a seat on the corner of the cafe, near the glass window.
I rolled my eyes and called Yoongi, informing that Wonyoung came.

There was no one else in the cafe, so I assumed that Yoongi was the one who took care of this. I saw the boys stepped out of the car and walked with big steps towards us.

Yoongi pushed Hoseok to sit across Wonyoung, earning a shocked face from Wonyoung and on the other side, a confused face from Hoseok.

"It's you the one who should be grateful, bitch. Not me" I sneered to Wonyoung and pointed my index finger to her forehead.

"Enjoy your time" Yoongi smiled, dragging me out from the cafe.


a/n: trash chapter, forgive me

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