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"Can we meet up?" the question was straight away asked after I said my first word to him. My eyes flicked  at Wonyoung, who seemingly was enjoying her milk tea with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah, I think I can. I'm at the xxx cafe with my friend currently. Perhaps you can come over?" I was fast accepting his offer after I considered that Wonyoung will be perfectly fine about our sudden plan.

"See you in a few minutes then" he accepted immediately and ended our phone call.

"Yah, Yoongi's coming over to pick me up," I told Wonyoung and her expression became dark in an instant. 

"What about tteokbokki?" She questioned me, pouting. I completely forgot about our tteokbokki plan, but it's too late to cancel my plan with Yoongi.

"I'll treat you tomorrow then, I promise" I answered.

"Yah! Since you met Yoongi, your time with me completely reduced, can you just hang out with me for a full day" Wonyounf whined like a baby.

"Stop complaining, I even paid for this whole lot for you," I said, pointing at the table. "Stop being a baby"

"I'm not being a baby. It's just true, you even canceled our plan because of his one single phone call" Wonyoung complained.

"He said there's something important" I lied.

"And...of course your best friend right here isn't important"

"Can you just stop it? I told you I'll treat you tomorrow"

"You'll probably go out with Yoongi again," she said bluntly.

"You know what Wonyoung if you keep doing this I'll literally cancel our plan tomorrow. Stop it" I snapped at her.

"Fine bitch, cancel it then. Go have fun with Yoongi" she finally said, grabbing her purse and charged off making me scoff in disbelief.

I waited for Yoongi while scrolling through my Instagram feed, feeling bored. I felt a rush of guilt about what I said to Wonyoung before, especially when she's feeling down. I decided to text her, even though I knew she won't reply. But texting her would be better than being a bitch and ignore her for the rest of the day.

10 minutes after Wonyoung's departure, the cafe bell ringed, indicating Yoongi was here. I saw his figure coming closer and I immediately stood up and walked to him.

"Where's your friend?" Yoongi asked me, scanning the crowd.

"Oh, she left early. Just a few minutes before you arrive" I answered, my mind on Wonyoung. Yoongi took my hand in his and guided me towards his car.

I didn't know where he was going to take me, but I knew I could trust him so I kept silent. I tried so hard to think about a topic to talk about since the ride was too silent, it made me feel awkward.

"Did j-hope found his soulmate?" I suddenly opened a conversation. "I mean, he's all over the news. He has been wearing clothes that cover his collarbone lately. A lot of people assumed that he found his soulmate"

"I don't think I'm the one who's going to tell you that. You can ask him yourself" Yoongi said and focused back on driving. I was confused, but the answer was there in front of my eyes. Yoongi was driving towards his company. I blinked my eyes rapidly, to see whether or not I was hallucinating.

"OH MY GOD, ARE YOU DRIVING THIS DAMN CAR TO BIG HIT?" my inner fangirl came out, causing Yoongi to flinch.

"God, y/n! Calm down. And yes, we're going to Big Hit. I think it's the time for me to tell the other boys that I found my soulmate already" Yoongi said, deflecting the steering wheel towards the company's entrance.

"They haven't found out yet?"

"Well, to be honest, I think they knew by themselves. My collarbone was always left open with no fabric covering it. I think they knew already, yet they're trying to make me open my lazy mouth to tell them myself" Yoongi concluded."And why are you so excited? Aren't you supposed to have come here a few times already considering that your soulmate is Taewoon?" he added.

"It's different, I never went here to meet Bangtan. So, of course, I'm excited" I exclaimed, earning a few nods from Yoongi.

I remained silent as Yoongi parked the car, feeling my heartbeat beating uncontrollably.

"Nervous much?" Yoongi sneered, placing his hand on my shoulders and shaking it softly.

"What do you think hm?" I replied, glancing up to face him. He cleared his throat and removed his hand from my shoulders. 

"OH MY GOD! I'M SO NERVOUS, WHAT SHOULD I DO IN FRONT OF THE MEMBERS?!" Yoongi imitated my tone. He laughed at himself and rushedly jumped out of the car before my fist landed on his arms. I smiled at his annoying but cute behavior and rushed out of the car to Yoongi's side.

"What if Taewoon's here?" These words came out of my mouth as soon as that idea came in my thoughts.

"I know he's not here so calm down" Yoongi reassured me, opening the front door and asked me to step in before him.

The company was familiar to me since I have been here a few times. Yet after a few minutes of walking, it became more and more unusual. Then there I was, standing in front of The Bangtan's room.

Without saying a word, Yoongi pushed the door open, with a kick Yoongi sent to the door, it finally opened, revealing the members, busy doing their own stuff. We walked in and literally no one noticed my presence. Well, not until Yoongi snapped the shit out of them.

"YAH! SOME GREETINGS HERE?" Yoongi half-shouted.

"What greeting- OH!" Taehyung spoke up and made an 'O' shaped mouth, walking towards me. The sight of these seven boys being this close to me was a miracle.

"AHAHAH I KNEW IT! YOONGI'S SOULMATE???" The maknae shouted and offered me his hand.

and I froze


a/n: mind pressing that vote button?

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