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"YOONGI" my loud voice came out with my hands tugging onto his heavy, large blanket. He grunted after his body lost contact with his comfortable blanket, and shifted his legs, his knees getting closer to his chest, his arms cradling his own knees.

Oh god, what should I do with this lazy cat?

"Yah! Open your eyes this instant yoongs!" I shrieked as I pulled his right arms upwards, his body slightly lifted.

"Y/n please let me sleep for a few more minutes" he lazily hummed and made himself comfortable, burying himself once again between his blankets.

"You've been saying those words over and over again for this past 30 minutes, we're going to be late Yoongs" I sighed. With my last intention to wake the sleeping Yoongi up, I tightened a grip on his left ankle and dragged his body to the edge of his bed.

"Late for what?" his soft voice asked whilst both of his hands are supporting his upper body to sit down. He rubbed his eyes and messed his own already messed up hair.

"We're going camping with Hobi and Wonyoung remember?"

"Oh god help me. Going camping with both of them is basically a horrible idea. Both of them could shout at 12 AM for no apparent reason"

"Good point. But sadly both of us agreed when they begged us a few days ago" I said as my hands reached his, pulling his body to leave his bed. Once his body was fully detached from his beloved bed, I pushed him towards his bathroom and I waited outside with the maknaes.

"Going camping with those maniacs?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, elbowing my left arm.

"Sadly, yes"

"I'm not gonna be surprised if you come back losing your sanity tomorrow" he laughed at his own sentence. Taehyung pointed an index finger to the maknae and nodded along. Jungkook did the same and both of their index fingers made contact in front of me since I was sitting between both of them. I slapped away their fingers with a small force and stood up, ready to leave the both of them. My movements were stopped by 2 hands circling both of my wrists and was forced to sit back down.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"Are you trying to see Yoongi Hyung taking a shower or something?" Tae teased, high fiving Jungkook.

"Ew y/n!" the maknae laughed. I rolled my eyes until the back of my head and shook my head.

"Yah let go of her, we're leaving soon" Yoongi's voice suddenly popped out behind the three of us. The maknaes's hands let go of mine instantly.

"Aw, Hyung is being sulky" Tae laughed while preparing to run away. Yoongi gave a deadly glare which managed to make both of them shut up and focused back on their overwatch game.

"Ready to go?" Wonyoung, with much energy, raised her hands up above her head and jumped inside the car. Hobi smiled at her act and followed her into the back seat.

Both me and Yoongi shook our heads and started to carry our bags inside. Yoongi was behind the wheels with me sitting beside him.

My journey with only Wonyoung was always a mess, and it was never calm, but this time, Hobi was also there, making the car's atmosphere noisier than usual. It only took them 5 minutes inside the car before jamming to loud songs with Hobi's small but powerful speaker. My eardrums could crack any moment by listening to Wonyoung's so-called rap.

"STOP STOP STOP STOP!" an extremely loud voice coming from Wonyoung was heard suddenly. Yoongi abruptly stopped causing my body to launch forward. 

"Are you crazy?" I snapped at her.

"I am" she pointed at herself. "But look at your right side! There's a strawberry field. Let's stop by for a minute" she suggested. I made a sharp but quick eye contact with Yoongi.

"No" my voice collided with his.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Hobi joined in, begging the both of us to go.

"Or you guys can stay here while the both of us go" Wonyoung laughed and opened the car door, hopping out with Hobi following after her.

"Will this day get any better?" Yoongi rested his chin on the steering wheel.

"Definitely no. But we've got to go and follow them unless we want them to destroy the whole strawberry field" my finger pointed out to where they were both running hand in hand, basically looking like toddlers searching for toys.


a/n: Kinda short but I promise the next one will be much longer :)

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