Gentle Thunderhead

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One early morning, Luhan went to an unknown manor to fulfill the request of a family friend. Reminiscing back to yesterday, an old woman visited their house just to tell them she wanted him to come over to this place today to give something. Luhan was wondering what would be the gift he'll receive while wandering around the manor. Just that, in an essence of being surrounded by different kinds of flowers, what a romantic scene could it be to found a young lady. A slow motion likely to be described their motions as their eyes met on their gazes. The gentle breeze made its way with various colors of flower petals on between them.

He was so stunned by her sudden appearance that he took a step sidewards and his lips were slightly open and his eyes were wide open as well. Seconds earlier, the lady jumped out of nowhere that nearly bumped into Luhan; with Luhan's athletic reflexes he was able to dodge her. He was fast enough to recover from the nearly collision.

“Here, let me help you,” he said as he offered his hand to the lady.

“Oh! Thanks,” she said as she took his hand.

“You're welcome,” he said as he pulled her upward. 

“Hey! How did you know this place?” asked the young lady while wiping her knuckles and knees, which were filled with earthly sand which she got from her dangerous jump to save a cat.

She was barefoot in a white casual dress with beautiful flowers sat around her head comfortably as a hairdo. She surely looked like a goddess, standing beside him with special effects especially prepared by the crew.

He came to a conclusion that someone, as well, invited her to come over in this manor. “I was asked to come here,” he answered, matter-of-factly.

He was equipped of a large gray hoodie and was carrying a map on his hand while his free hand reached his neck to perform a scratch. Frankly, he was dashing in his simple waves.

Just when an awkward moment slowly taking over, they eavesdrop, or most likely overheard a conversation between a woman and a young man in his late 20's. The old woman wore house clothes whilst the man wore an office wear.

“I just want him to get married,” said by the same woman whom asked Luhan to come over. Her face portrays a canvas of worries.

Their topic was somehow serious that made Luhan and the young lady frowned their brows two hundred eighty degrees downward. Later, the two acted as if they didn't hear a thing for the thought they should not meddle someone else's business. The topic itself was way more intriguing that they couldn't control one's self but to listen.

Just then, the old woman and the man suddenly changed their expressions as they noticed someone might have seen and heard them. Anybody could see through them since they're talking outside. But just to the woman's surprise, which should not make her be surprised since only her daughter and son could wander around, it was Luhan and her daughter.

The old woman hemmed to give the man seemed to be her son a signal of something. She then told him to scram before she leaved him behind and offered Luhan to enter the house for a cup of tea. Luhan chuckled quite a little at the woman's unnoticed joke.

Luhan obviously gave the woman an awkward and uneasy look inattentively. But the woman was so persistent to give him a proper way of receiving a guest. He agreed for the sake of formalities. He might have accepted the offer on the outside but he was obvious on declining.

On the other side, the man stood still on his shadow's current position while the young lady approached him with a white-Persian cat on her arms.

“Welcome home, brother!” She smirked at him teasingly.

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