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(Taehyung's POV)

I can't believe I am standing in front of my dream university. I really pray to god that everything goes well. This university is huge and I really hope I can find good friends here or maybe a friend b'coz I was always like this without someone to have beside me. Well sad things apart I'm having my best time here. Hmm.... people here are rich, obvio it's a renowned university.

(Author's POV)

When Taehyung entered the university every eye was on him coz why not? He was a roaming art piece but the issue here is he doesn't even know about it. He thinks that he is an average looking guy. But no babes that's just him thinking that otherwise he is an art piece.
He somehow reached to the college administrative room to ask few doubts about his schedule for today ( he got his semester schedule via internet but still he wanted to clear some doubts). After resolving every issue regarding it he was heading towards the room for his first period while deeply engrossing in his phone to understand his schedule. He didn't notice a certain group of people heading towards his direction because they were also in their own world and .. BUMP...

(Jungkook's POV)

"What the heck? Who's this blind person who can't even see a group of people walking?" I asked while rubbing my butt

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"What the heck? Who's this blind person who can't even see a group of people walking?" I asked while rubbing my butt. I realized I was on the floor in front of every person crossing this corridor. I glared at that person and said " Are u blind or what?".
He was also rubbing his butt and also his forehead because he bumped into my chest and his phone landed right behind him with a little crack. I was not expecting any answer coz who has that much confidence to talk back to Jeon Jungkook but unexpectedly, not only he replied but it was full of sass, " First of all I am not blind and second thing even if I was blind then how am I supposed to see a group of people coming, don't you have common sense?"
I was literally shocked, not by his way of talking but also by his beauty. How can a person be this damn perfect? His long eyelashes , his sun kissed skin, his perfect long nose, the way he replied me with full of anger made his luscious lips form a pouty oval shape.

Oh damn am I staring at him? Jungkook control .

I wanted to say something but nothing came out of my mouth as I stood up, my group members were ready to burst but I stopped them. They were confused, even I was confused.

(Taehyung's POV)

When I opened my eyes after relieving some of my pain I saw the devil of my life, Jeon Jungkook

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When I opened my eyes after relieving some of my pain I saw the devil of my life, Jeon Jungkook. I was having mixed emotions sad, anger , scared, I don't know probably this feeling is unexplainable. He was staring at me, did he recognize me? Please god save me. I just heartlessly stared at him and was about to cry but before he could say anything I ran away . I blankly saw my reflection in the mirror remembering that horrible year of my school time which I want to forget but I think god has other plans for me.

(so yeah I've written the first chapter, I don't know how this story is going to do but yeah still good luck, I hope you like this chapter)

Words: 573

Words: 573

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