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Flashback starts

Taehyung, sitting on his knees outside his classroom with hands raised. His head was facing the ground as he was crying while controlling his sobs. His teacher gave him that punishment for disturbing the class. He shouted in between the lecture because he dicovered a toy lizard in his bag.

"What was my mistake? Why do I  always get targeted? Why can't he just forgive me? "

It all started when he was sitting in the library (his favourite space) reading his most liked books. He heard one of a teacher scolding a boy and commanding him to stay in the library for the detention. Well he was sleepy after reading so he just ignored everything and landed in his dreamy world.

Jungkook who got detention, as always with bored expression entered the library and searched for something interesting but obviously he can't find his video games and all in the library so he just decided to sit and sleep

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Jungkook who got detention, as always with bored expression entered the library and searched for something interesting but obviously he can't find his video games and all in the library so he just decided to sit and sleep. His eyes landed on a certain cute guy who was exploring his dream world with mouth wide open and drooling unconsciously. He was babbling some incoherent words like a baby ~~~~agoogooogoooogooo~~~~~. Jungkook was stunned that how can I guy be this much careless?

Taehyung was one year junior than Jungkook but he was a few months older than Jungkook

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Taehyung was one year junior than Jungkook but he was a few months older than Jungkook. Slowly his little voices were getting louder and it could be heard properly in the whole library so Jungkook slowly reached up to him to wake him up. He was unable to do so and decided to come a little closer so as to wake him up but all of a sudden Taehyung opened his eyes , pushed the chair back which fell down, stood up, placed his palm on Jungkook's head and banged it down on the table. He said unconsciously,  "I'm gonna save this world from this ugly devil" , when he realized what has happened it was already late. He ran as fast as he could while Jungkook's face was still pasted to the table.

After that Jungkook's image was torn apart, he was in fumes. Taehyung was called by him in a private room and Taehyung knew that it was his last day. He saw Jungkook sitting on a chair simply glaring at him and there was no one else in the room except for those two. When Taehyung saw Jungkook in anger he started crying and was just standing at the main do. Jungkook deeply called him to come and sit on the chair in front of him, he followed that and sat on the chair. Jungkook was observing him thinking what should he do with him?
"Well now you are going to be my toy for the rest of my year in this school, prepare yourself baby". Taehyung broke then and there, he knew if you messed with him he will get everything from you until you don't have anything to give.

Taehyung was crying on his lungs asking for forgiveness ,his eyes watery, nose red, lips dark red due to biting, taking hiccups every second to control his breath

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Taehyung was crying on his lungs asking for forgiveness ,his eyes watery, nose red, lips dark red due to biting, taking hiccups every second to control his breath. Jungkook just stared at him deeply and somehow he wanted to kiss him but then he realized "Oh damn what am I even thinking? Control your excited ass Jungkook". He left that room with a crying Taehyung behind .

For the rest of the year , Taehyung was bullied as hell because Jungkook always had a way to make fun of him( imagine every way one can bully someone but not in sexual or harmful way but in embarrassing way).

Taehyung knew just for a few months more and everything will be over. He was waiting for that day when Jungkook was going to be graduated from the school.

(Hope you like this flashback)

Word Count:629

Word Count:629

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