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It was the beginning of the new semester of the year. It was the last semester of Yoongi, Namjoon and Seokjin.

With new starting surprises awaits for them , a sparkling face enters the college reception area stopping everyone on their tracks with his looks. He took his schedule from the administration.


"Hello everyone, this is a new transfer student , please introduce yourself."

"I'm Jung Won, I transferred from PQR University to here bcoz of some personal reason , nice to meet you all."

"Alright everyone attendance."

"..............., KIM TAEHYUNG?"

"Present teacher."

Jung won's head turned towards the said name's voice and he was shocked.

"................ Jung Won?"


(Jung won's POV)

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(Jung won's POV)

"Is he the Kim Taehyung that I know , no no it can't be? He used to be so low, and he looks like a prince , all shiny and sparkling hah it must be in my mind, it can't be."

Taehyung smiled on teacher's joke.

"OMG I can't forget this smile , he is that Kim Taehyung now I'm sure I can't forget this only thing hmmm looks like I need to ask."

Taehyung's POV (after lecture)

"What the hell?" "Why is he here?" ( panicking inside)

"No no how can he be here? Please, God don't make him notice me, please God make him forget about me so that he won't be able to recognize me."

Oh my God he's coming here. What should I do? Stay calm if he recognizes you say the truth don't panic.

"Hi Taehyung"

"Emm hi nice to meet you Jung Won."

"Hey don't you remember me, we used to be in the same class in high school ."

"Ahhh I remember you "

"You've changed so much, what happened to that Taehyung?"

"Ah nothing much a little bit change heheh (awkward smile)"

"Ahhh Taehyung meet us in cafeteria, alright?" Jhope said while passing their classroom.

"Okay sure hyung"

"Everyone settle down we are going to start our lecture", the next lecturer said.

"I'll catch you later Won let's study."

"Yeah sure"

Author's POV

Taehyung rushed to cafeteria without giving any single eye to Won, so he doesn't have to face him again. There he saw his boyfriend all messed up due to his first day of the new semester , he covered his eyes from behind,

"Guess who?" (bold and hard tone)

"Ah my sweet dose! Let me have some peace while smelling you, come here!"

He pulled Taehyung on his lap, rested his head on his shoulder and gave little pecks on his neck.

Everyone on the table was having fun while someone on the very corner of the cafeteria was getting all fired up watching this scene.

Everyone on the table was having fun while someone on the very corner of the cafeteria was getting all fired up watching this scene

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Jung Won's POV

You really don't know how much of a difficulty I've faced to come here. I didn't fight with my parents and made so much destruction to my previous University just to see you like this.

It was not supposed to be like this. Earlier and now as well why can't you focus on me? It was always him .

Earlier I didn't have power but now things are changed and I'm gonna make things in my interest.

Word count : 509

( So who is he aiming ? And and so much time gap hehe it's alright right?)😏

( So who is he aiming ? And and so much time gap hehe it's alright right?)😏

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