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Author's POV

Jungkook and Jung won were on rooftop discussing 'Taehyung'.

"So tell me why did you call me?"

"hmmm well you never want to talk with me politely?"

"Well of course now say or you want something else", a little irritated and wanted to punch him.

"Hmm how about a kiss?" Jung won teased a little.

"wah--waa-- what ? Can you stop this?", a little flustered because he was expecting something sassy.

"hahaha so the great Jeon Jungkook also gets flustered by these cheesy lines."

"No! Who's flustered? Shut up and spit it out."

"okay alright let's just sit first hmm? "

They sat on a bench there, a little away from each other.

"So listen ahhh well you need to stay with me for a while is it alright ?"

"Well, I don't have enough time but still continue", you can feel that Jungkook was no more angry with him because he knew Taehyung was his.

"You see, I love you from school-time." On this sentence, Jungkook shifted a little bit to hide his shy uncomfortableness and Jung won smile on this.

"So I saw you the first time when I entered the 11th grade, sitting on the school's rooftop's balcony trying to jump."

"Hey I was not going

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"Hey I was not going..."

"Yeah I know, let me continue. So I asked everyone why you were up trying to commit something outrageous. They told me that you wanted some of your demands to be fulfilled and I was like "Is he dumb? Just because of some demands he's up there, why?" But when the principal came to agree with your demands, everyone started cheering for you. I was confused like why you were so powerful that the principal had to hang his head low. But when I came to know your demands I was way more shocked like seriously ?! ' Not cancelling summer holidays and instead giving a reasonable rate of holiday work and having a summer camp as well.'??

Jungkook was just smiling remembering those days.

"Don't smile man I was shocked, like seriously for this silly demand you were up there but then they told me that it was an act and you were one of the trustee's son.... woah!! The power you held and the way you used it for students damn!! And I fell then and there for you. Oohh god... but when I came to approach you, you were always with your friends and that Taehyung tsk.."

"yahhh!! Don't you dare say anything about him."

"Yeah yeah, I know, but still I used to hate him when I was a school going, because why not he had all that attention that I wanted to have from you. You were always after him and when I came to know that you were just bullying him I was happy but at the same time sad that why your attention was never on me, jealousy or whatever you say but it felt hurt."

"You know, I knew that how would you know I existed if I never approached you but you must've never noticed I was always around you but never approached you. I don't know why maybe fear of rejection. I tried to copy Taehyung so that you could notice me and that hurt the most that I was no longer myself. You remember, on your farewell ceremony the note you received with your certificate card, it was from me and I was the one who volunteered to give everyone their certificates and awards so that I could give you that note. Well you must've not noticed hehe." he smiled a little awkwardly.

"You graduated and I continued thinking about you and becoming more confident in myself so that one day I'll approach you with all confidence and sincerity. I wanted to be like you, you did everything so well that I was jealous of that as well haha it's all funny that I started playing sports only because of you which I never preferred in my past life. My parents got me admitted in different college even after I told them that I wanted to be in this one but in my first session of that college , I did so much of blunders to get me expelled from there and not so unfortunately my parents had to get me admitted here , haha I know it's funny, but they see me as a disgrace that I've always made their image worse in that college but when I came in this college I saw you with Taehyung again and now that Taehyung is damn of a beautiful person and most of that why is he so kind and nice? I can't even think anything bad for him why?", he fake cried the last words sarcastically and Jungkook smiled nodding on his comment.

"To tell you the truth we never kissed, he never kissed me it was an accidental haha but you were so stupid to believe me" Jungkook took a breath when he said it and scratched his head as he knew he believed it blindly.

"To tell you the truth we never kissed, he never kissed me it was an accidental haha but you were so stupid to believe me" Jungkook took a breath when he said it and scratched his head as he knew he believed it blindly

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"I know man I was wrong but how could I've not believed it when I saw it with my own eyes", Jungkook said in embarrassment.

"Now I'm thinking of giving up on you after watching your messed up profile during that fight with Taehyung. I knew that I don't stand a chance .... you know for the first time I saw you so weak and I knew then and there that he is the one for you but you know I always wanted to touch you once hehe it's funny but still a little. Well, nevermind, now it's all sort out I'll not disturb your relationship and continue my friendship with Taehyung."

Jungkook was a little sad that all these years he had loved him so he decided something , "you know wait a min! It doesn't mean anything but still as a goodbye and for loving me all this time, I'm thankful for that", he pulled him and kissed him on the lips as a goodbye without any involvement of tongue or anything but a sincere one.

Word count: 1070

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