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Every eye in the cafeteria was on them, when Jungkook realized what just happened. He was not angry, he was concerned that why Taehyung did it. He was expressionless and was just staring at Taehyung to say something who was also staring for an explanation. The other members were quiet because they knew that this was not the right time to say anything.

 The other members were quiet because they knew that this was not the right time to say anything

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"Why? Why? Why did you do that?" Taehyung said staring in his eyes.

"What? "

"Jung won... why?" tears flowing from his eyes.

"But why do you care, he's nothing then why are you crying?"

"Do you even understand what are you saying? Why should I not care? He's hurt because of me."

"And what about me Taehyung? I'm also hurt can't you see that and you're caring for him ?" a little angry but he was more troubled that what if Jung won's words come true.

"You are asking what about you? You are not hurt? You think it's fair to beat someone like that?"

"So what? He kissed you he deserved it," he said rather proudly.

"Hah?? How many times I've to say this it was an accident... can't you trust me?" he shouted irritated as hell.

"You know what leave it", Taehyung started to walk away and Jungkook saw a small figure of Jung Won smiling on this. Jungkook held Taehyung's hand to stop him and simply said, "Do you love him ?"

Taehyung was shocked as hell that how can it end in this way and what is he saying and he was more shocked that Jungkook doesn't trust him that much that he is saying all this. He turned and calmly replied "you're sick yes I love him so what ? Will you kill me? Will you beat me the same huh?"

"No, that's not true, you're lying, you're mine, these marks on your body states it.... you're mine" Jungkook was going out of his mind that he started to show those marks on Taehyung's body to prove Taehyung was his.

"When you can't even trust me then what is the use of all of this? I love him you got it now leave me." Taehyung replied still in Jungkook's embrace.

"You were lying to me all this time

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"You were lying to me all this time.... you never loved me even once..... Tell me these sentences are wrong please". Jungkook was hurt , he never wanted this to come true , even if he was saying all this he was still holding on Taehyung. Taehyung removed his hands from his body and straight went back to the class.

Jung Won had a small smile all along because he knew everything happened the way he wanted.

"See didn't I tell you he loves me but if you want I can ditch him and be with you and look you were thinking that he loves you haha rather I love you the most. He was treating you as a piece of trash for fun, forget him he doesn't deserve you...", smirking a little bit.

"Can you shut all your nonsense now, get the fuck out of my sight?" Jungkook shouted feeling the pain that all this time it was all fake, or he's seeing something that is fake.

Word count: 529

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