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It's been weeks that Jungkook and Taehyung had talked. Jungkook wanted to solve everything but this was the first time that Jungkook was fearing something. He always saw Taehyung and Jung won together but couldn't do anything because he knew it would hurt Taehyung more. His face looked dull, his aura was gone , his friends were concerned for him but he was not doing anything with his full dedication.

Jungkook's POV

I know something is wrong in this , it doesn't seem all right to me but what am I supposed to do? Nothing . He simply said on my face that he loves him right? I'm nothing to him now , he's happy with him. I even went to his house to talk but he was never home now what am I supposed to do? His (Jung won) words are literally coming true.

 I even went to his house to talk but he was never home now what am I supposed to do? His (Jung won) words are literally coming true

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"yaa Jungkook, we know it's a little hard time for you but it should not affect your performance. You're not studying well, you're not eating well, you're not even playing well," Yoongi hyung said.

"hmmm he's right Jungkook, you'll be better so please eat well," Namjoon said.

"You know he's our precious Kim Taehyung that I can't even think it's real what he's done otherwise I would have killed him," Jin said a little angry.

I know they are all right but I can't think anything else but him.

"ohhh right hyung! You guys are having a farewell party within two three days right?" Hoseok hyung said changing the topic.

"Yeah, it's day after tomorrow and Jungkook you must come, try forgetting everything and get back in old days" Jin said.

While they were chatting I saw Taehyung and him passing by the cafeteria but I stayed silent , nothing was coming out of my mouth.

"hmmm let's get high in the party" , I said after a deep silence. They all cheered up on this sentence.

Taehyung's POV

I know Jungkook has messed himself up, but I'm not gonna forgive him like that. He needs to apologize to Jung won then I'll break this silence. Ohhh our seniors are having their farewell day after tomorrow and Hoseok hyung has invited me well, all juniors can come but I need to stay with my hyungs on their precious day.

On unofficial party night

I was not in the mood to stay in the club inside so I decided to go outside where the outside party was also going on. I saw people chattering while enjoying their drinks. I decided to sit under a shelter but when I reached there my eyes were filled with tears.

Jungkook's POV

I'm not enjoying anything , I know he must be inside so I decided to stay outside and enjoy my drinks. I don't know when I got so down that I couldn't even realize what was happening to me but little bit I knew that some girls were around me running their hands all over me , some were on my thighs grinding themselves to tease me with their looks. There was no one else beside us in the shelter. I let them do whatever they wanted enjoying another drink.

"Stay away from him" , I heard a familiar sound when suddenly the girl on me was harshly dragged away from me

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"Stay away from him" , I heard a familiar sound when suddenly the girl on me was harshly dragged away from me.

"You girls get away from him", he again shouted. I saw the other girls getting away from me with some 'ugh wtf' sounds . I continued drinking another bottle ignoring everything, but a hand stopped me from drinking it, "let's go gukkie" . I heard sadness in the tone, but I was irritated of getting interrupted in my drinking session. I snapped his hand away from mine and continued drinking.

Authors pov

"Please Jungkook let's go now stop all of this it's enough now", Taehyung cried seeing Jungkook with other girls and drinking so much.

"ahhh Taehyungssi! Why are you here? You should be with that shit ohhh sorry your 'just friend' ooops maybe boyfriend right?" Jungkook replied mockingly after being stopped from drinking.

A girl entered the shelter sitting beside Jungkook and making him drink from her glass of alcohol. Jungkook willingly accepted it with a smile and drank it while smirking. Tears dropping could be seen from Taehyung's eyes , "yahhh Taehyung I thought you guys were over so why are you here? You must let him enjoy, now please leave us alone will you?"

Taehyung started fuming , "Who said we are over? We never broke up and please remove your slutty ass from beside my boyfriend." Taehyung pulled Jungkook away from that girl and said "let's go Jungkook ".

Taehyung somehow managed to bring the waving body of Jungkook outside the party and made him sit in his car to drive him home.

Taehyung was driving him home with tears filled in his eyes, "what were you doing there huh?"

Taehyung was driving him home with tears filled in his eyes, "what were you doing there huh?"

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"ehhh? What? Where? hahah I just want my drink hehehehe", Jungkook said laughing.

"Jungkook don't play dumb! You know very well you were flirting with those girls and you are totally down, why did you drink so much?" a little anger and concern in his voice.

Jungkook didn't reply anything to him staring outside of the window with a big smile plastered on his lips with alcohol taking over his consciousness.

"Jungkook? Jungkook reply me!"

"I didn't do anything, they were the ones who were all over me ewww I feel disgusted now , I reek of their perfume ewww get away from me, get away" Jungkook started shrugging his clothes in an attempt to remove the perfume.

Taehyung stopped the car in whole frustration.

Word count:922

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