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(Few days later)

Taehyung was now sitting in the cafeteria eating his food while searching something online. He was actually searching how does sun sound in space. It was soothing as well as scary sound. He got so much immersed in it that when Bogum banged on his table to sit down, he got scared and literally fell from his chair.

"Hey , chill dude I'm not that scary"

"I know but more than that."

Bogum dead face looked at him.

This whole scene was going on in one corner and on the other corner the BTS group was silently watching them.

"Hey, isn't that the guy we encountered a few days back?" Jimin said.

"I really wonder why did you stop us", Hoseok asked.

"Because obviously it was not his mistake", Jungkook replied with 'duh' face.

"Hm, I really have to say he is a beauty but not more than me" Seokjin said.

Jungkook was nodding his head on the comment and was still enjoying his view(Taehyung).

"I bet he is going to become famous very soon for his beauty and there will be many people asking him out" Namjoon calmly said.

"Hey baby you don't think I am good enough for you" Seokjin eyed him.

"No baby you are the only one for me and that pretty ass is mine forever" Namjoon covered his previous comment and Seokjin was now silent.

Right now Jungkook was in deep thought and how he doesn't want anyone to touch Taehyung or anyone to be with Taehyung except him.

"Yaaa I am going to talk to him now" Jiminie excitedly ran towards his table and Jungkook open-mouthed watched him going.

(Taehyung's POV)

Oh god this guy is getting on my nerves what does he want?

"Hey are you even listening?"

"Yeah of course"

"So as I was saying I am very famous among girls but you know what I am interested in is that ass of yours."

"Yah take your words back or I am going to kick you in your balls"

Why am I feeling so heated up on this silly comment?

"Hey Bogum, how are you doing man?"

"I am good dude and how are you doing with your suga daddy."

"Yaaa don't tease me" he said shyly.

"Hey you must be a new student right? Nice to meet you, I am Park Jimin"

I have seen him with Jungkook's group, is he sent by Jungkook? Oh, but where is Jungkook?

(Author's POV)

Taehyung rotated his head in every direction in the canteen and landed on a certain someone who was watching him with his mouth opened in oval shape

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Taehyung rotated his head in every direction in the canteen and landed on a certain someone who was watching him with his mouth opened in oval shape. Jungkook snapped his head in the other direction when Taehyung saw him; he realized he was embarrassed that he had been caught by the junior staring him.

Taehyung got frightened and without saying anything he left the other two males there.

(Jungkook's POV)

Why did he leave so suddenly? Something must've happened.

"Hey jimin come here"

"Why did he leave? What happened?"

"I don't know he just rotated his head in every direction and then left, it felt like he was nervous"

"Hmm seems interesting"

"Hmm seems interesting"

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(Past Midnight)

Right now Taehyung and Jungkook were on their beds thinking about each other, one on how to avoid the other male and the other on how to make a move on Taehyung. It's a saying if you can't sleep at night then someone is having a dream of you but here was a different thing. Well Taehyung was nervous that days have passed and Jungkook isn't able to recognize him. "Has he lost his memories or something?" "Will my University years are also going to be the same as school year?" And Jungkook was thinking about his innocence and the way he replied to him, he got lost in his everything and now he wanted his everything.

Word count:640
(Hope you enjoyed this episode yooo hehe well this author is crack a little bit)

Word count:640(Hope you enjoyed this episode yooo hehe well this author is crack a little bit)

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