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Enjoy Taehyung's deep voice 👆♥️

It was a day before elections when Jung won paid Taehyung a visit to his house . He wanted to sort out everything with Taehyung before it's too late .

"Hi Taehyung"

"Oh Jung won! Why are you here at this time?"

"It was important so I thought why not pay you a visit."

"Hmm, alright, come in."
"So what you wanted to talk about?"

"Well, you see, the thing you saw that day was not true enough."

"I don't wanna talk about that day you can leave if you have nothing else to say."

"Taehyung please listen first then decide what you wanna do."

"So I love Jungkook and ...", Taehyung hissed on the word love.

"Taeee...??"  Jung won sternly convinced him to listen to him patiently.

He continued, "so I loved him and that day I told him everything how I never expressed my love to him and how will I never be able to have him. That day he kissed me out of pity, it was a farewell kiss to let go of my feelings. I knew he's never gonna love me, and he only loves you . That kiss meant nothing ..... You remember our kiss? That almost made you guys break up then how can you expect that this one was true but not ours. Think a little bit and give him a chance that's all."

Taehyung didn't say anything, he was just casually thinking linking everything.

"Well now you see I've become your enemy and you've already slapped me hard enough so it's better to not stay here any  longer or you will kill me right?"
"Haha ok then I should leave."

"Wait a minute Won! You're not my enemy or something, I'm just sad that you know.... so I never intended to make you my enemy, you're my friend and you'll forever be that but it's just that I'm hurt so I need time, I need time for myself as well. So please stay connected with me I trust you and that Jungkook idiot, I'll see him later."

"Yeah yeah boyfriend things I can't get it and thankyou so much Taehyung for trusting me, you know I'm so happy that I wanna cry uwaaahhh.."

"Ahhh there you go again with your acting."


On the day of Election, Jungkook's hyungs wanted to talk to Taehyung. They knew that Taehyung would listen to them and try to make things the way they were.

"So Taehyung we know that both of you are idiots who can't even realize that you both want to talk to each other but I don't know what is stopping you both?", Jimin said.

"Right Taehyung! I think you are smart enough to think that much that Jungkook loves you, not him, ahhhh I really wanna beat you both." Jin scolded.

"Jin is right Taehyung, it was our first time to see Jungkook this much broke and that was only because of you so you should also act like a grown up and think straight, that coconut head doesn't want to bother you in this election time that's why he is restricting himself from talking to you," Namjoon said.

"I know hyung that he is not in fault but it is a little bit difficult for me as well. It was heartbreaking when I saw them kissing and I know he did it out of sympathy but still." Taehyung replied a little sad.

"ohhh god these two kids think the same, when you both love each other then, what is stopping you two?" Yoongi said little angry.

"Listen Taehyung , Jungkook might seem so bold and tough but he was always an emotional fool. You know, whenever he dumps a girl he always apologizes to them because he knows he used them in some way and broke their heart but this time he wants to keep you , and you know very well that he can reach any limits for that but he is silent only for you." Jimin said softly .

"So now we can't expect anything from him because he's not listening to us so you have to take lead in your hands, or he'll definitely destroy himself like this." Hoseok cheered up "and remember we are with you guys okay? "

"Yeah hyung thankyou for always being there."

"ohhh and all the best for the elections you gonna win for sure"

"Thankyou so much hyung I gotta go now for results."


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All the candidates were sitting outside of the auditorium in a hall waiting for the results, where you could see Taehyung sparing glances to Jungkook and Jungkook ignoring them. Taehyung was a little bit sad that Jungkook wasn't even sparing him a glance. He decided that after the results gets out he'll talk to him.

Results came out and when Jungkook heard Taehyung's name he was shouting internally but was silent with a little smile plastered on his lips. He also got elected for the post of sports captain of the college and that's when Taehyung smiled and started to approach him but he saw Jungkook leaving, so he ran to stop him. He held his hand to stop him to which Jungkook turned, "Hey Jungkook, I won, and congratulations on your winning as well. So wanna hang out after this?"

After a long silence and staring at Taehyung's hand which held Jungkook's hand , Jungkook said , "Excuse me ? Do I know you?"

Taehyung's eyes widened, and he left his hand in disbelieve that he was saying this. He was expecting an exciting Jungkook who would pick him up and spin him around on his winning but it was completely different that he is not even recognizing him. "Jungkook have you lost your mind? I'm Kim Taehyung, your boyfriend."

"Sorry I don't remember I had a boyfriend, now if you please excuse me?" he left him dumbfounded. His face was melting seeing Jungkook disappear. He landed on the floor fake crying, "Is he taking revenge? Why me? uwaaaahhhhh Jungkook" . He was thinking that everything was going back to normal but seems like Jungkook is a little bit mad.

Word count: 1072

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Word count: 1072

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