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Next morning

Jungkook's POV

ohhhh god this headache , I felt a little heavy from one side but when I opened my eyes I saw my beautiful angel sleeping peacefully snuggling to me. I ruffled his hair cutely, hmmm I don't know why this morning my eyes didn't want to get detached from their view, he looked more precious to them.

"ohhh fuck we reek of cum" , I remembered last night and a small smile came on my lips

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"ohhh fuck we reek of cum" , I remembered last night and a small smile came on my lips. I whispered, "you looked beautiful baby" and kissed him on the forehead. I went to take a bath and let him sleep a little more. After shower I saw a few notifications from hyungs to know my whereabouts on the party and an unknown number's message saying, "let's meet during the lunchtime today, it's related to Taehyung and very important .... Jung won this side..."

Huh? What the hell does he want and what is it that he wants to tell me related to Taehyung? I better break his legs next time. Let's just first meet him then I'll see what to do.

I left Taehyung sleeping in the bed because he needed rest and instructed the butler to take care of his needs

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I left Taehyung sleeping in the bed because he needed rest and instructed the butler to take care of his needs.

Taehyung's POV
It was round 11 when my eyes opened , I was in Jungkook's house, a little pain went through my back to my whole body as I sat up from sleeping position. It was bearable but I needed time to make myself comfortable with it. I went to take a shower then I wondered where Jungkook was. I was expecting him beside me but maybe he had to go somewhere really urgent. I was cleaning myself when a few shots of Jungkook's cum came through my ass and that's when I remembered last night . I was completely embarrassed as I remembered what things I told him and what kind of face I was making yesterday. My legs started feeling numb and I landed on the floor in all embarrassment, "ohhh god take me up, ohhh motherly earth gulp me down please~~~"

 My legs started feeling numb and I landed on the floor in all embarrassment, "ohhh god take me up, ohhh motherly earth gulp me down please~~~"

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I was relieved a little bit from the pain and Mr. Butler also took care of everything, and I decided to go to college during lunchtime. I messaged Jungkook to know where he was but he didn't reply to me. I don't know why but I was not getting good vibes with this situation but I let it go.

I met the hyungs in cafeteria but Jungkook was still nowhere to be found but the thing that was bothering me the most was that Jung won was also missing, "Where are they both? I can't even think straight ohhh god please let them both be safe."

Word count: 515

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