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Jungkook's Pov

"You guys know very well what to do right?"

"Yeah Jungkook, we know you've asked it like 100th time so stop worrying and focus on the match alright?" Namjoon said.

"Yeah, I'm so excited but at the same time worried please everything go well."

"Don't worry Jungkook it will go well." Jung won said assuring me.

"Yeah thanks man for helping" I  gave him a little hug.

"Anytime man and don't worry I'll make sure he'll come in this match."


"Jungkook and Suga, come fast, your team is waiting we are ready to go on the field."

"Yeah coming! Bye hyungs and make everything possible"

"All the best Jungkook and Suga hyung, Fighting!" everyone said in unison.

"Yeah fighting!"

Taehyung's Pov

It feels like everything is shattered. Why did I even meet him in the first place? That idiot, crackhead, coconut head, but my..... gukkieeee... I miss him. I even got a pimple crying all night.

"Mom, what did you make today? I'm hungry"

"aww baby you look so bad, what happened? Did you sleep well last night?" she caressed my hair.

I hugged her from behind putting my head on her shoulder, "no mom I didn't sleep well and I even got a pimple uwahh.."

"ohhhh it will go soon. Eat breakfast first hmm? And get freshened up alright?"

I ate breakfast having my deep thoughts when I realized that today was Jungkook's and Yoongi Hyung's match. But then he himself said to leave him alone, I don't feel like going, he'll get mad if he sees me and maybe he'll make me responsible for any mishaps.

Author's POV

Ding Dong

"ohhh hello auntie where's Taehyung ?" Jung won said in hurry.

"Well, he is dining room eating food cool down boy why so hurry come in!"

"Oh thankyou! TAEHYUNG? TAEHYUNG?"

"yaaa Jung won, what happened, why are you here? Calm down first here drink water" he drank huffing a little bit.

"Where is your phone ? Why didn't you pick up my calls ?"

"It's upstairs I think I missed them I was eating breakfast"

"yaaa and why are you in this state? You said you'll come in the match , why aren't you dressed up?"

"ohhh it's just that yesterday in the evening I talked to Jungkook and he doesn't want to see me and I think he really forgot about me

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"ohhh it's just that yesterday in the evening I talked to Jungkook and he doesn't want to see me and I think he really forgot about me. He really broke my heart yesterday and now I don't feel like going. My face is automatically getting in sad shape even if I try to smile it returns back to sad mode. I'm not in the spirits to go there."

Dammn this Jungkook spoiling his own plan. I swear to god I'm gonna beat him well. "Listen Taehyung not for Jungkook but for Yoongi hyung, it's his last match and after that he'll graduate right? You love him right?" he was trying to convince him somehow.

"Look Jung won, I love him but still I don't feel like going"

"Please Taehyung......... forget all this we're going lets go make you a presentable being . You look like an animal." He pulled him to shower so that he could shower and quickly made him wear clothes.

"Aunty today we have a basketball match in our college so we are going to watch it."

"Thanks Won to make him human again", his mother taunted.

"Ommma~~~", he whined still sulking.

"yaahh now leave enjoy!" she closed the door on their faces.

They rushed to the basketball ground and sat beside their hyungs.

"ohhh thank god you came otherwise he would have killed us", Jimin said feeling relieved.

"Who?" Taehyung asked in confusion.

"ahhh nothing let's cheer alright?"

Taehyung saw Jungkook playing beautifully so he decided to just sink down in his seat as he saw everyone in the audience cheering for him . He decided to not show his presence to him.

Word count:670

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