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(Author's POV)

"Babe don't you think your words are contradictory of what you feel?"

"No I don't think so" he was embarrassed and was looking down not to look in his eyes. On the other hand Jungkook was trying to catch his eye with a little smirk.

"Oh mine, why are you so hard to get? Tell me one thing you missed my existence? You were jealous when I was with someone? You missed my eyes towards you? You missed my touch?" Jungkook was asking questions and Taehyung as an obedient puppy was nodding his head on every question.

"Then it states that you love me." Taehyung snapped his head up on the statement "Don't you think?"

"I don't know I've never felt it before."

"Ok lets do one thing kiss me right now and say you don't feel anything hmm?"

Taehyung saw Jungkook closing his eyes and waiting patiently, he was hesitant,

"I'm still waiting~~~~" Taehyung stepped forward and was few cm away from his lips. He was still thinking if he should do this or not but deep down he wanted it badly but was hesitant to do it.

Jungkook opened his eyes when he felt Taehyung's warm breath on his face and suddenly pulled him in the kiss,

Jungkook opened his eyes when he felt Taehyung's warm breath on his face and suddenly pulled him in the kiss,

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(Bless the artist @kkukku024 on Twitter)

Taehyung let himself pull in this spell, his eyes was opened he can see Jungkook's face expression while feeling every inch of him. He also closed his eyes, his hands landed on Jungkook's bare chest and felt that spark again, lifelessly standing like without any spine in his body.

The slippery sound of kiss can be heard in the whole changing room and after a few minutes more of exploring each other's cavern, they both opened their eyes looking straight into each other's souls and after a while Jungkook spoke "Tell me you didn't feel anything?" Taehyung just said everything from his head as he was embarrassed of what just happened. "Of course anyone can say you love me, your pinkish glow say it all" he stroked his blushing cheeks with his hands.

"Now go I still need to change or you want to see me change?" Taehyung left immediately blushing. Jungkook changed immediately excited as he is going to leave Taehyung at his home. The drive to Taehyung's home was silent but little glances, little blushes can be seen from both sides. They reached their destination and as Taehyung was about to exit the car, Jungkook held his hand and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "Bye babes have a good sleep, from tomorrow onward nothing will remain the same."

Taehyung nodded and left with a little blush

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Taehyung nodded and left with a little blush. Jungkook eyes traveled with Taehyung until he reached his home.

"omma omma ommmaaaa ommma ommmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~" Taehyung shouted on his lungs. Jungkook smiled on hearing his boyfriend's voice and left for his home.

"Taetae don't shout like that, everyone thinks you are some psycho kid in this locality", his mom replied from the kitchen.

"Is dad home?"

"No he'll be late eat and sleep."

Taehyung did his night routine and went to his bed with a little smile and nervousness all through his body.

Word count:521

(Yeah they started dating ...)

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