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"Jungkook why did you act like you don't know him? Are you mad everything was going to be normal then why?" Jimin complained.

"Well hyung, I know it was a little bit harsh but still I needed to do this. All this time I was suffering and now I want to let him suffer a little bit" an evil smirk plastered on his lips.

Jin, in a full angry mode with his hand on his waist staring deep at Jungkook, "aaaaishhhh this crackhead can I kill him?"

"hahah hyung calm down I have another plan to make everything right but you have to wait until my basketball match", smiling a little bit.

"Seroiusly Jungkook?", Jin said in 'like seriously?' face.

"Chill hyung chill, and yeah, you guys need to help me in it."

Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

"What is all this Jung won uwaah??? He can't even recognize me ahhh... it's frustrating. I can't even approach him, he always escapes uwahhhh ahhh.... Woni say something should I kill myself to prove my love ahhhh.... Why me? Jungkook I swear to god you'll rot in hell for not recognizing me waaaahhhh.... I can't even curse him coz I love him, goddddd take up! Take up! Not me! Him that crackhead! How can he do this uwahhh..." I was crying my heart out messing everything around me in my room and Jung won was just watching his nails and biting them if they were perfect or not like my worries were nothing serious.

"Jung won are you even listening or your nails are more important than me?", he snapped back in reality with a little confused look.

"Chill Taehyung it's nothing big, I'll talk to him," ahhhh poor taehyungiiie suffering so much. He doesn't know that it's just a prank and that Crackhead had to do all this, seriously?

"Will he listen to you ? Seriously? Then tell him that I was the one who bumped in him on my very first day and I was the one that he kissed on the back of the college building and I even gave him a bite mark then, that I was the one on whose shoulders he slept peacefully, that I was the one whose smell always calms him down, I am the one who loves him the most like hell. Can you ...... please tell him..." I said excitedly but ended it on a sad note.

"Yeah Taehyung, I'll tell please don't stress so much, listen we're having a basketball match against other college this Saturday and you must come to light your head a little bit alright? I know Jungkook will be there but still game watching is t...

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"Yeah Taehyung, I'll tell please don't stress so much, listen we're having a basketball match against other college this Saturday and you must come to light your head a little bit alright? I know Jungkook will be there but still game watching is the best remedy to forget everything right?"

"hmmm" I nodded my head still thinking that Jungkook will talk to me on that day.

A day before match

It was evening, I was leaving the library when I saw Jungkook, his basketball team and their cheerleaders leaving from the sports room, "damn these girls they never leave him alone... get away from him... Get away from him." When I was thinking this, I realized they went past me I called for him, "Jungkook?"

He turned back all confused, "hmm? You were calling me? "

"Yeah ummm. Can we... umm talk?"

"Yeah sure girls you can leave right?" he smiled to them, seriously?

"Jungkook I know you are mad at me but please listen to me. I am sorry for misinterpreting everything even your feelings were genuine there but it still hurt to see both of you kissing so I'm saying please forget everything and stop this, it's hurting" I said my heart out with my head down, but when no answer came back I snapped my head up to see him deeply staring at me.

"I'm not understanding it but you seem familiar..", I smiled in hopes that he recognizes me.

"Have we fucked before? Because if we have, then sorry I can't return your feelings please leave me alone." My eyes widen on his sentence , my heart was breaking. I held on his hand desperately to make him stay but he snapped it away and disappeared. I was shattered.

Jungkook's Pov

I'm sorry baby I'm doing this. It hurts to see you like this but believe me just one more day and you'll be in my arms. Wait a little bit more.

Word count:770

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