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While Taehyung was washing his face after crying, certain someone was watching him as he came closer and patted on his shoulder.

"Hey, are you going to do suicide or something in this washroom because if you are, then please do it in the corner, I need to wash my hands" ( please don't take it seriously)

"Hey, are you going to do suicide or something in this washroom because if you are, then please do it in the corner, I need to wash my hands" ( please don't take it seriously)

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Taehyung spoke shockingly, "Excuse me, no! Why would you think that I'm going to do suicide?"

"Oh you were crying and all, seemed very depressed I thought you were 'un~un' "

Taehyung just blankly stared him like seriously how can a person reach at a conclusion in that instant? I think he is insane.

Taehyung didn't realize he actually said those words and now that person is glaring at him. He pulled Taehyung from his arm towards his chest and locked him in his embrace, "Babe, thank God that you are this beautiful and I'm a good being or else I would have killed you here and now". He was still staring at Taehyung while he was in his embrace and Taehyung, he was a shocked mess but when he came to senses he pushed him.

"Even if I was doing suicide, wouldn't you stop me?"

"Babe, it's your life your choices, make it large 😉, and BTW I'm Park Bogum it was nice meeting you ummm ?"

"It's Kim Taehyung , and sorry I'm getting late for my class bye"

"Bye babes, see you soon maybe here again for some other purposes you know what I mean😏"

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

Taehyung's Pov

What a weird guy and please God don't encounter me with that Jeon Jungkook again. And wow my new phone got a crack and I'm already late for the class . This is going to be tough to survive in this university.

Author's POV

Taehyung was in his class and everything was going good. His classmates were supportive and most of the above they wanted to become friends with him. Taehyung used to be a perfect geek with thick glasses, crooked teeth, and wore whatever he liked without any fashion but the main thing was he didn't care about what others are going to think of him he was just true to himself. But now things are changed a little bit. You can say puberty hit him hard. He understands fashion, he wears a lens, his face got a beautiful glow, his figure was attractive and most importantly he was still innocent and beautiful from his heart.

 He understands fashion, he wears a lens, his face got a beautiful glow, his figure was attractive and most importantly he was still innocent and beautiful from his heart

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(I know it's a short chapter, but I just wanted to introduce new characters and explain things about our tae tae)

Word count:436

Word count:436

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