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Jungkook's POV

Where is Taehyung...?  I need to tell him that he got shortlisted for the elections.

"Hey! Have you seen Kim taehyung ?"

"No I haven't... "

"Oh god, where are you ?"

"Hey Jungkook I've seen him in the library you can check there if he's still there."

"Ok man thanks"

"baby baby I'm coming.... Oh god, was this library this big? Where is he? I can't even shout here."

Suddenly my eyes landed on two people kissing, oh god are they that horny? Find another place, wait a minute that's... Taehyung??

Taehyung's Pov

"Hey won can you pass me that book from that corner, it's right behind you."

"Ok let me see "

"Did you find it, the red one?" Oh god, why is he taking so much time? Let me see it.

I looked over him , he was sitting beside me so I had to look up from his head to look for the book.

"Taehyung can you see it yourse..." Jung won turned around to speak to me but we were so close that suddenly we kissed. It took me a few minutes what just happened.

When I opened my eyes I saw Jungkook pushing him away from me and with full of anger he said, "FRIENDS HUH?" I flinched a little bit. He took me by my hand and dragged me towards the washroom.

Author's POV

Jungkook pushed Taehyung towards one of the sinks in the washroom, "WASH IT "

"Listen Jungkook" Taehyung tried to convince him.

"SO YOU'RE NOT LISTENING?", with that Jungkook pushed Taehyung's head towards the sink and splashed water on his face, rubbed every corner of his lips and kissed him so hard to make himself more assure that his(JW) traces are replaced by him.

"SO YOU'RE NOT LISTENING?", with that Jungkook pushed Taehyung's head towards the sink and splashed water on his face, rubbed every corner of his lips and kissed him so hard to make himself more assure that his(JW) traces are replaced by him

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Taehyung's eyes were filled with tears, "Jungkook, please listen to me first I can explain" , he said on the verge of crying.

"Did I say you can speak? We're going home." Jungkook said dragging Taehyung out of the college and made him sit in the car to drive back to the home.

For the whole ride both of them were silent, "Jungkook please listen it was accidental".

"hmmm", Jungkook replied still driving looking straight on the road. After a while Jungkook picked his phone to text his hyungs " Hyung,pick that Jung won after college and bring him to our spot, we need to deal with him."

They came to the house and again Jungkook dragged Taehyung towards his room. He knew no one was home, "Jungkook slowly it hurts ", Jungkook didn't listen a single word and dragged him upstairs.

"STAY HERE FOR A BIT ", he said sternly and went somewhere. After a while he came back to see Taehyung still sitting on the bed. Jungkook went towards him getting closer by every inch until Taehyung completely laid on the bed.

He tied both of his hands on top of the bed to which Taehyung protested, but a single glare from Jungkook was enough to stop him

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He tied both of his hands on top of the bed to which Taehyung protested, but a single glare from Jungkook was enough to stop him.

"Jungkook please don't do anything , I'm scared please." Taehyung pleaded.

"You should've been scared before kissing him" Jungkook replied.

"I said it was accidental , nothing is true in that kiss why can't you understand it?"

"Whatever it was but I need to make you regret it and make you understand the difference between friend and boyfriend."

"You know 'YOUR FRIEND' can't do this to you", he said while unbuttoning Taehyung's shirt and removing his clothes.

Word count:576
(I'm sleepy sleepy 😴, good night beauties)

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