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(Taehyung's POV)

I know I shouldn't say this but I'm missing his touch, his presence, his gaze towards me. It's been two weeks since we last talked. This is not fair, I should've been happy that he is not around me but why I'm feeling like this, I can't even focus on studies. Is this some kind of spell? I've always thought him as my bully, I never imagined that this will happen someday.

Every time I see him he is with his group or a girl of my class. It isn't fair he is talking with girls and I'm not even allowed to talk with Bogum Hyung or anyone. Hey, who is he to tell me that I can't talk with anyone?

I see him everywhere, on the college entrance, outside my class, in corridor, around library, cafeteria, but the main thing is he doesn't even give me a glance as if I don't exist.

I see him everywhere, on the college entrance, outside my class, in corridor, around library, cafeteria, but the main thing is he doesn't even give me a glance as if I don't exist

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Right now I'm in the cafeteria sitting in the very corner of the room avoiding gazes.

"Hello my little hiding bun" Bogum hyung banged on my table.

I flinched a little bit "yaa bogummy hyung why do you always come like a ghost?"

"Auh did you just say 'bogummy hyung' OMG Taehyung you made my day"

"Yaaa don't get flustered it's just my habit to give everyone a nickname."

"Yeah of course but I love it "

While Bogum Hyung was having his celebration, I saw that BTS group was entering the cafeteria.

"Hyung I need to get some notes from Jiminie hyung I'll be right back"

"Do you want me to call him here?"

"No no it will grab attention and most probably of Jungkook's "

"I'll get it myself" I really needed those notes and Jimin Hyung is my senior so it will be easier.

I reached to their table and called for him thank God Jungkook left for giving order for the food.

"Hii hyungs" everyone greeted me with a smile.

"Awww my cutie baby, sit let's eat together" Jin hyung offered me.

"No, no hyung, I'm full, I needed Jimin hyung for a second"

"Yeah Taetae, say what happened?"

"Actually I needed your notes and I'm not in much contact with others so I thought I should ask you"

"Ohhhh, it's alright, give me your number, I'll tell you later when you can get them"

While I was talking to him Jungkook came back and sat on his seat. He continued his work without even giving me any glance. It felt hurt. Everyone noticed the awkwardness but I simply gave my number to hyung and went back to my seat.

"Did you get it?" Bogum hyung asked

"Yeah, hyung, I need to go I'll catch you later"

I saw Jungkook one more time he still had poker face and with that I left the cafeteria.

I was sitting on a bench in the garden still regretting my life decisions 😐😟 . I don't know when I started saying everything on my mind, loudly enough to everyone's listening.

"I regret coming here, why do I have to choose this University for my higher studies? Why I had to encounter Jungkook again? Why am I feeling this for him? Why can't I get a simple sorted life? ahhh I want to cry ."

"Yaaa kid, can't you just keep your problems in your mind? I'm trying to sleep."

"Oh my gosh what the duck" I turned back and saw Suga hyung getting up irritated.

"Oh my gosh what the duck" I turned back and saw Suga hyung getting up irritated

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Word count:577

(You know my brother got a haircut and now he is regretting his decision hehehe , he looks like a bamboo😂)

(You know my brother got a haircut and now he is regretting his decision hehehe , he looks like a bamboo😂)

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