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"TAE..... TAEHYUNGIIIIII BABYY..." Jungkook was shouting cutely on his lungs and reached the university garden and there he saw Taehyung sitting with someone really close and that's when Jungkook shouted, "KIM TAEHYUNG"

Taehyung's POV

hmmmm is someone calling me ahhh forget it let's focus!!

"KIM TAEHYUNG" and that's when my eyes got wide , my head snapped towards the sound.

OH MY GOD! He's calling my full name something is wrong run I need to run he's coming run taehyung runn

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OH MY GOD! He's calling my full name something is wrong run I need to run he's coming run taehyung runn... I  packed all my stuffs to run as fast as I could.

"Hey Taehyung! What happened? Where are you going?" Jung Won said confused.

"ohhh Won we'll study later I gotta hurry now bye" with that I  started to run and I saw Jungkook also ran towards the bench we were sitting and shouted.

Author's POV

"KIM TAEHYUNG! STAY RIGHT THERE" Taehyung stopped in his tracks,

"TURN BACK AND COME HERE" Jungkook shouted again Taehyung turned and slowly started to walk towards them.

"FASTER BABY" Taehyung came with horror, he knew something was wrong. When he came close enough to Jungkook, he pulled him in embrace and gripped him from his waist to show his possessiveness.

 When he came close enough to Jungkook, he pulled him in embrace and gripped him from his waist to show his possessiveness

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"Say baby why were you running? And who is he?" Jungkook glared at Jung won.

"ohhh I was not running I was just in rush and he's Jung won my friend, we were just studying."

"ohhhh your friend so those rumors are true hmmm?"

"ahhhh Jungkook they are not valid that's why they are rumors" Taehyung replied a little frightened but wanted to correct Jungkook.

"Baby I'm trying to be serious now don't interrupt me like that"

"So listen you dipshit, if those rumors ever become true I'm gonna make your whole existence a question alright?"

Jung won was just smiling at his comment.

"What are you smiling for? Did I say any joke? You better get what I'm saying right now or you'll regret it later."

"Jungkook, stop it, he's just a friend leave me now" Taehyung released himself from his grip and started to walk away.

"Shit Tae baby listen" Jungkook followed him leaving Won alone.

"Listen baby you know I trust you the most but I don't trust him please stay." Jungkook held him and took both of his hands in his hands and kissed them to make his appeal more convincing.

"Ahhhhh Gukkie I can't even get mad at you, it's alright but don't do it again he's just a friend" and that's when Jungkook smiled that he convinced him perfectly.

"Ahhh one more thing wait for me in the evening, I've a practice and after that we'll go together at your house."

"Ok alright, I'll wait, but first tell me why were you calling me?"

"ohhhh why was I calling you? Oh I forgot it I wanted to congratulate you that you are going to be the Vice President of your Faculty "

"Yaaaa I still need to pass the shortlisting and then elections"

"ohhh baby you're so talented I know you're going to get elected alright and we need to discuss something tonight so let's go together and I'll help you in preparing your agendas as well", Jungkook said in an assuring way and kissed him to stamp the assurance.

Word count: 543
(So me and my brother were ready to sleep and suddenly for the first time when we saw our ceiling design it looked like a cat. We laughed so hard but idk why I ended up crying hehe I think it's that laughing out your lungs until you cry)

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( Have a feast babies)

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( Have a feast babies)

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